Good news for fans of NBC’s hit The Voice: All four judges are reported to have inked deals for a third season of the show which will air this fall.
And get this, there is a gender pay gap on the show, but for once, the scales tip in favor of the woman!
Way to go Christina Aguilera who as the lone female judge on the hit show will make almost twice as much as her male counterparts.
Next season, Xtina will reportedly take home a cool $10 million with co-judges Adam Levine, Blake Shelton and Cee Lo Green each slated to make $6 million.

I have no idea how they justify paying Christina A. 67% more than her co-judges. She is, I would say, the worst judge of all of them, sanctimonious, and past her prime. I would love to see them go out and get someone like Kelly Clarkson, who’s still out there in the “grind” of the music business, like Blake, Cee Lo, and Adam are. Christina hasn’t been truly relevant for awhile now, and her idiotic comments regarding Tony Lucca’s brilliant take on “99 Problems” just made that crystal clear.