American Idolaired its first results show of season 11 tonight, March 1, 2012.
On tonight’s show, the top 10 singers advanced with your votes. There were also three wild cards added by the judges so we now have our Top 13!
AND, we’re live. 33 million votes came in this week.* BOYS’ RESULTS: Jeremy Rosado did not make the top 10, Chase Likens did not make the top 10, but Phillip Phillips is in! More guys are the stage. Joshua Ledet makes it to the top 10 as does Heejun Han. Adam Brock did not make it. The next three guys are Aaron Marcellus Sanders who did not make the top 10; Creighton Fraker who also did not make the top ten either and neither did Reed Grimm. Three more guys on stage: DeAndre Brackensick, Eben Franckewitz, Colton Dixon, and Jermaine Jones. DeAndre Brackensick is not in the top 10! Eben Franckewitz is not in the top 10! Colton Dixon is in the top 10. Jermaine Jones is in the top 10!
* GIRLS’ RESULTS: Ryan calls four of them on stage: Brielle Von Hugel is not in the top 10, Hallie Day did not make it either, but Jessica Sanchez and Hollie Cavanagh are in. 4 more girls come on stage. Shannon Magrane made it to the top 10 as did Skylar Laine. Baylie Brown did not make the top 10. Has a chance at the wild card. Chelsea Sorrell also did not make the top 10 but has a chance at the wild card. The next three girls on stage: Haley Johnson did not make it, Erika Van Pelt did not make it, Elise Testone made it.
We have 15 people are left. 6 will be asked to sing again. And of those six, three will be picked for the wild card to complete the TOP 13!
–Jennifer Hirsch is asked to sing first and belts out Oh Darling by the Beatles. Judges won’t say if she made it as a wild car but Randy Jackson tells her, “We love when contestants sing for their life. I loved your vocals, that was good.” Jennifer Lopez says, “we are going to try and be fair, and you sang for your life.” Steven Tyler add, “you have a big voice, I loved it, especially the end.”
–Jeremy Rosado is next singing for his life with I Know You Won’t by Carrie Underwood. JLO is in tears and says she believes in him. Randy liked him too. Steven feels that Jeremy is passionate!
–Brielle Von Hugel sang Someone Like You by Adele. Steven thought she was a little pitchy and did not care much for it. Bad news, Randy didn’t like it either. JLo thinks she should be proud no matter what.
–DeAndrea Brackensick gets a standing ovation singing Georgia On My Mind by Ray Charles. He gets a stanfing Ovation! Randy says, “This is great, I love it”. Jennifer says, “this is what you have to do, you have to dig down deep”. Steven added, “I love it man, I just love it.”
– Erika Van Pelt sang Edge Of Glory by Lady Gaga and he got a standing ovation too. Randy said, “this is girl has got to have it.” Jennifer said, “I love when a singer moves to tears but still does it”. Steven added, “out of the park, out of the park.”
–Reed Grimm is the last person selected to sing for his life and a wild card spot. He sings Use Me by Bill Withers. Randy says Reed is unique and different. Jennifer gives him praise too. Steven says he loves the artist in him.
Randy chose Erika Van Pelt. Jennifer chose Jeremy Rosado. Steven chose Deandre Brackensick.
Jessica Sanchez
Hollie Cavanagh
Joshua Ledet
Heejun Han
Shannon Magrane
Skylar Laine
Elise Testone
Colton Dixon
Jermaine Jones
Erika Van Pelt – Randy’s wild card
Jeremy Rosado – JLo’s wild card
Deandre Brackensick – Steven’s wild cardANNOUNCED AS NOT IN TOP 10 BUT HAD CHANCE TO GET IN BY WILDCARD:
Jeremy Rosado
Chase Likens
Brielle Von Hugel
Hallie Day
Adam Brock
Chelsea Sorrell
Baylie Brown
Aaron Marcellus
Reed Grimm
Creighton Fraker
Haley Johnson
Erika Van Pelt
Jen Hirsh
Deandre Brackensick
Eben Franckewitz
Hallie Day
Adam Brock
Chelsea Sorrell
Baylie Brown
Aaron Marcellus
Creighton Fraker
Haley Johnson
Eben Franckewitz
Brielle Von Hugel – Sang for wild card shot
Jen Hirsh – Sang for wild card shot
Reed Grim – Sang for wild card shot