The Bachelor season finale aired tonight and Ben Flajnik will get down on one knee, hand out the final rose and propose to….
Lindzi will meet Ben’s family first and he wonders if he needs more time with her. Ben’s sister tells him that Courtney’s inability to get along with the other woman is a red flag.
Lindzi meets with the family. Ben tells camera he can see himself with Lindzi for the rest of his life. She tells Ben’s mom that he is passionate and caring. She told Ben’s mom that she’s completely fallen in love with him. She then got alone time with Ben’s sister Julia and she expected to be grilled. Julia said he needs to dig deeper with Lindzi. She says her brother was the biggest skeptic coming to the show and asked her to tell her about drama with Courtney. Lindzi said Courtney is very different than Lindzi. She said she herself is a people person and Courtney was shut off. Julia told the camera that Lindzi would be good for her brother. Ben said, “Lindzi definitely got my sister’s approval!”
Before Courtney comes to meet Ben’s family, he tells them she is a model. Julia is not happy to have a model as a sister in law. Ben tells camera that his family is all women and he needs Courtney to be able to get along with them. Courtney comes and says she is scared and nervous to meet Ben’s family. Courtney comes bearing presents for Ben’s family.Courtney tells Ben’s family the women were “judgy” of her. She says she’s big on first impressions and she tried to befriend them but they didn’t give her a chance. Julia takes Courtney aside for a chat. She tells Courtney her reputation is a red flag. Courtney said some of the girls were not interested in getting to know her and then she put her guard up even though she could have tried harder. She said she’s in love with Ben and she’d never hurt him.Courtney then meets with Ben’s mom. She tells her that Ben is special and they laugh a lot together. “I love him, I just love him. He’s the best!” She said this is like a fairy tale and she feels vulnerable. Julia meets with Ben and said her first impression is she is “shocked.” Julia said she is blown away by Courtney and really liked her. “You can’t judge a book by its cover and she is very sweet.” She gave Ben her approval. Ben’s mom also said Courtney seems kind and Ben is happy.
Once the ladies leave, Ben meets alone with his family. Ben says he’s in love with two women and needs their help to decide who to pick. Ben’s mom says Lindzi is sweet and lovely. Julia says Lindzi is apprehensive in telling Ben about her feelings. Julia says Courtney is honest. His mom says Courtney is giving Ben her true side. Julia said Courtney is the more complete package of a wife as far as Ben is looking.
They go for a carriage ride through a charming town then he says he has a surprise for her: Skiing a top the scary Matterhorn. The two ride up the mountain and get stuck in their life above the Swiss Alps and have a picnic. Ben does not seem very involved in the mushiness Lindzi is throwing at him about his family. She asked him if he sees “us” in the future and he said he’s already seen “us” when they were in San Francisco. She says she wants to start a new life with him.
After skiing, they have a romantic date back in her hotel room. Lindzi opens up to Ben. And even though he’s saying all the right things to her like “you have everything I am looking for,” I just don’t see him passionate in his words. She tells him she needs to tell him something and does not expect him to tell her anything back. She says that she has fallen in love with him. “That’s good,” is all he could muster. He then thanked her for opening up and said he’s been waiting for this moment for a long time. He did tell the camera that he wanted to tell Lindzi he loves her, but he couldn’t because he still has a date with Courtney. The two make out and you hear Lindzi whisper, “I love you.”
Courtney tells the camera she’s not concerned about Ben’s connection “with that other girl” because Ben is deep and she hasn’t seen a deep side to Lindzi. She also admits that Ben is the first thing she thinks about when she wakes up and goes to sleep. A helicopter comes and scoops the couple and takes them over the Swiss Alps. Ben said his helicopter tour with Courtney and flying over the Matterhorn is one of the top ten coolest things he’s ever done.
They go to a lovely spot near frozen water and have a BBQ. Courtney tells the camera she trusts Ben and she doesn’t usually trust men so that’s why she wants to keep him. Ben tells her she got her family’s stamp of approval. She tells him he’s been worth all the hard times of the show. They happy couple then make snow angles. Ben said with her, he is completely and utterly himself, comfortable, and she makes him feel like a kid.
Ben tells the camera that his last date with Lindzi was incredible so he is confused. He adds he has a lot on his mind. Courtney and Ben end their date at Room 415 of the Grand Hotel. She says she wants to focus on their connection so she can get by these last days. She says she’s fallen in love and never felt that way. She’s scared and vulnerable. They make out. She has a voice over that men in her past just have taken from her and she has to just place her trust in Ben.
She made Ben a gift –the two sit on the bed and he opens a box containing a scrapbook of pictures of them from their dates. “Where did you get these?” Guess Courtney has pull with ABC! She also wrote him a sweet love letter, thanking him for placing his trust in her. She says he’s the best thing that has ever happened to her.
They then go to the couch and she asks him if he has any concerns and he said no, that his family provided clarity for him. She said she’s felt defensive against the girls and even him at times. And that she did not expect his mom to bring back the same issues –she said that made her sad. He said he wanted their perspective. Ben then tells the camera he’s confused and frustrated; he thought everything was good between them until she questioned him again. When Ben leaves, we see a tearful Courtney who says she’s terrified of Ben doing to her what Ashley Hebert did to him.
Ben says he is confused still. After some soul searching, he makes a decision and says he will propose to one of the women. So, he meets with the jeweler to pick out the perfect engagement ring for… Ben said when he picked out the ring, he became excited and felt way better than he did doing this with Ashley. He said he’s the happiest he’s ever been and only has one woman on his mind. “I can’t imagine life getting better than this.” Ben then says it’s killing him inside to have to break one of these girls’s hearts.
We see both women in separate helicopters heading to the final rose ceremony.
Lindzi gets out of the helicopter first. She walks up to Ben with a great big smile and tells him he looks handsome. She sounds so nervous and can’t stop talking. Ben says he’s nervous, it;s not looking good. “You are what I have looked for in a woman my entire life,” Ben said. He said when he met her family, he saw himself with her at that moment. He said he has fallen in love with her….but….he needs those moments to last a life time and he’s found that with someone else. He said he has fallen in love with someone else.
BEN BREAKS UP WITH LINDZI! LINDZI IS SENT HOME. “You’re an incredible women,” he tells her. She says she’s mad at herself for not giving him what he needed. She wished him good luck and said, “If things don’t work out, call me!” REALLY LINDZI??? REALLY?!!
Based on what Ben told Lindzi, we know he has fallen in love with Courtney. But we hear Ben saying he is still confused because being in love with another woman makes it hard for him to propose to Courtney. He says he does not know how things will pan out with Courtney.
Courtney comes flying in and we hear her say, “I am a good person, and good things happen to good people.” “Nice to see you,” is how he greets her. “You kinda took my breath away there, I’m gonna need a sec.” Ben talked about their ups and downs and recounted their dates. He said he had a glimpse of their past, present and future on top of the ruins. He said she is an incredible woman. BUT…. Ben said he promised himself he would never get down on one knee again unless he was certain….and he then said, “You are my forever. I am in love with you, more than you will ever know.” With all that, Ben got down on one knee and asked Courtney to marry him and she said, “YES!”

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