The Celebrity Apprentice aired its third episode of the season Sunday March 4, 2012. On tonight’s episode, each team was tasked with creation of a storefront window display for the Ivanka Trump Collection.
Who did Donald Trump fire this week? Who got sent home? Look below for a real-time live blog of the show with all the up-to-the-minute details.
If you missed any of last week’s episode and Victoria Gotti’s firing, click here for a full recap of that show.
Lisa tells the camera that because of their back to back losses, the women now have to forget their hair and makeup and really “suck it up buttercup and let’s just get down and dirty.”
The winner will get $20,000 for his/her charity. George is the men’s Project Manager. Adam said they elected George as PM for this task for three reasons: One, because “he is gay, and second because he is gay and third, because he is gay.” Dayana and Teresa both wanted to be the project manager and Debbie interjected that Dayana has worked in the industry for ten years and she has yet to step up and show off her skills. The women chose Dayana as the PM.
Dayana wants the windows to be related but be different. Aubrey takes over again and suggests they do a display featuring a clock to show the time passing and highlight four different looks. The ladies all like the idea. Debbie thought Aubrey is sharp, but thought it was “the Aubrey show.”
On the men’s team, Clay does not think George knows what is going on and feels George is having trouble keeping up with all the moving pieces. Penn wants to find twins and do something that has never been done before. Adam asked George to draw the windows and show what he wants to see inside each. But George dodged it by saying let’s wait until they get to see the space. The men think about getting the ousted Cheryl Tiegs to be their celebrity.
Invaka meets with the men and tells them their windows are on 5th avenue and it’s almost like a 3-d billboard. Ivanka said their customer is a sophisticated, working, aspirational women. Ivanka then meets with the women and tells them of the demographics of the brand (25-35) and that they need to show women going from day to night to evening. She also said coral is the brand color.
George decides they will have one window only: Invaka by day and Ivanka by night. They will have three sets of twins showing different looks. One on each pair will be dressed for day and the other for night. They will also have a red carpet for the “night” window. Arsenio wants to help dress the women. Adam wants to design the set. Paul says he can have a motorcycle designed with the brand. Dee goes to the doctor and is concerned how his finger will affect the competition. Arsenio is concerned about Dee’s performance moving forward given his injuery and wonders if Dee should continue.
The women pick Dayana as their model. Debbie says she wants to be in the window too but the women add Aubrey in which makes Debbie unhappy. Tia, Lisa and Aubrey will build the sets in Brooklyn.
On the men’s team, Adam used to be a carpenter, so, that comes in handy. Lou kept telling Adam to call George to get direction because Lou felt Adam was taking over the PM job. For the women, Aubrey was behind the look and feel of the display. The women in Brookly realized the window displays were a lot smaller than they thought, and called Dayana to tell her they had to cut our a lot of their original designs so they avoid clutter. Dayana was reluctant but Lisa kept insisting, creating a situation of really having two different PMs in the two different locations who could not agree on what to do.
Arsenio really got into his role of dressing the models and was surprised his gay teammates were not good at fashion. When Eric Trump visited, he asked Clay how George is as a leader, and Clay chuckled and said that they work well as a team and they pick up slack where needed; not necessarily a glowing recommendation of his PM.
The women decide to ask Ivanka if they can use her jewelry line in the display. So, Debbie called Ivanka directly and she said yes. Donald Jr. comes for a visit and feels that the women don’t really have a grasp on their own concept. He feels that Dayana does not have complete control over the task.
Dee is told that he needs to get surgery immediately on his broken finger and he does do so. Meanwhile, the men are preparing the boxes. George gives color directions and Adam insists he build everything. Lou feels the midnight blue for the night scene is too dark but George keeps the color even though he never came over to check it out in person.
The men worry as they only have 45 minutes to pull it all together. Lisa and Debbie get to Lord & Taylors in the nick of time. They realize they only have sketches but the printer failed to print any of the photos which pisses off Aubrey. Aubrey came up with a plan B and Lisa is impressed at Aubrey’s quick fix.
Penn helps the ladies get their makeup done and Clay and Arsenio help them get dressed. Clay is upset because he does not feel that George is doing anything to help. Clay also thinks George gave up so much authority to others on his team that he no longer had a purpose. Dee comes back to see the men after his surgery and Arsenio says he was surprised that he returned to the show. “I am not sure how you can do this show with one hand,” Arsenio asked on camera.
During the window unveiling, George trips up over his speech. And the color midnight blue washes out the display and the models. Regardless, Ivanka tells the men their presentation was very impressive. She finds the concept of the twins very creative and liked Paul’s signage. Somehow, George uses Lou’s name in a negative way and Lou is not happy.
For the women, Lisa, Tia and Debbie give the presentation and do well. Ivanka tells them that their display is beautiful. Ivanka only made two bad comments against the women: She thought the fan they used looked bad and she didn’t like that the models’ shoes were not visible.
Dayana said they based their concept on Ivanka and her style but had a hard time explaining herself she was so nervous. Teresa says Dayna was great as project manager and Tia loved the team this week because they pulled together and were resilient despite changes. She said Dayna did a a good job as PM. Aubrey agreed. Donald asked the ladies who the weakest players on their team are. Tia said they are stronger than ever and did not name a weakest player. Dayana agreed that everyone worked really hard and she can’t name anyone as weakest player. “We won,” she said instead. Aubrey also dodged the question of who was the weakest player by saying she wasn’t the PM so she didn’t observe the player’s work. When pressed, she said she wants Lisa and Patricia on her team moving forward.Donald gives a thumbs up to Dee for coming back after surgery with four pins in his finger. George gives Penn credit for the concept of having twins and gives Paul credit for branding. Clay actually says George did a “perfectly fine job” as PM which confuses Donald. The Donald said he had heard that Clay had laughed at George to Erica. Clay looked embarrassed. Clay tried to make it better by saying this was the most difficult task they had to date. Arsenio said George left him alone to do his work and for his style of work, George was a good PM. George defended himself by saying he recognizes the talent on his teammates and lets them do their work.
Penn said George did a great job as PM and he trusted his teammates like the other two previous PMs including himself.
Pros for women: Attention to detail was nice. Use and integration of logo was nice. Clear understanding of the demographic.
Cons for women: They did not like the electronic fan. From the street, they could not see the shoes.
Pros for men: Loved the signs and Ivanka wants to use the signs in her stores. They loved the twin concept and brand messaging.
Cons for men: Hard to see the second window. They thought the office room felt bland and empty. And the night clothing were appropriate because it didn’t represent who Ivanka is.
THE WOMEN WIN for the first time this season!! Ivanka “felt very strong” that the women’s team won. Not sure I agree. I loved the twin idea and the women had way too much going on in their window. And, Ivanka said she was going to use the men’s signage in real life–so, how did the women win? Do you all agree with the women having had a better concept?WHO GOT FIRED?
Lou said he would fire Arsenio for picking out the clothing. Paul said he would fire George because the communication was not great between the two teams of men. Clay said he’d rather be on the couch of American Idol waiting to be cut than to say who was the worst team player here. He added that its painful for him to speak badly about George because he has looked up to him for a long time because of his work as an advocate for gay rights. But he said George is not always present in what is happening and did not delegate at all. Penn said he was self-marginalized. Arsenio said he’d fire himself if he was the reason they lost. Adam said nobody dropped the ball so by defacto, the leader would have to be fired.
George took back Arsenio because he was responsible for selecting the dresses. He also brought back Lou because he misunderstands directions and because of that, George could not find a role for him. Lou said George was not aggressive enough as a project manager and George said he appreciated the critique. Arsenio said George did not have any idea what was going on at the other location to be able to correct any problems. Arsenio agreed with George that some people on their team did not want Lou there. George agreed with the Trumps that it was his fault that they did not utilize Ivanka in getting advice for the clothing. When asked who should be fired, George basically assumed that based on the discussion, it was him that would be fired. The men had nothing but admiration for George, including Donald….BUT…
Spoilers say that George Takei will be fired tonight, which means the women finally win a challenge.

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