Katy Perry, made famous for her sugary pop sound, plans on making “dark” music moving forward. Perhaps it will be her way of expressing herself after the divorce from Russell Brand.
Perry also voiced her disdain for the paparazzi who do not seem to leave her alone:
“If I decide to go out and get a coffee, and there’s a paparazzi up in my face … I can’t really think of any time when I wasn’t working that I ever overstepped that boundary and called them out or got into their game -because you can’t control that game once you do get into it.
“But I think it’s disgusting. What I wanted to be and who I am is a singer and a songwriter. I wanted to be onstage, and I wanted the world to hear my music. The product of that is fame and the disgusting celebrity that goes along with it.
“When I’m working, I’m all yours. But when I’m not working, stay the f**k away. That’s how it goes. So whoever made up the idea that everyone has the right to every bit of information about you because you’re famous … No one made that rule. It’s not a law.”