Lindzi Cox did not attend The Bachelor: After The Final Rose last night because she wanted Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson to have their moment.
The 27-year-old business development manager who was sent home by Ben on the season finale of The Bachelor said on Good Morning America Tuesday:
“Ben and Courtney came out and it was a pretty emotional go they had. I think it was tough for them. I’m in a good place. I don’t really need my closure,” Cox said. “I think Ben has bigger things to worry about, so we just decided that I’d play another day.”
Cox said she is over the rejection. “I learned a lot about the experience. It’s awesome. I would totally go do it again,” she said. About Ben and Courtney, she said, “I wish them nothing but the best.” She added, “At the end of the day, yeah maybe it was tough for a little bit, but he made a decision, it was what’s best for him, and I respect that.”
Cox also said of the show, “When I watch it on TV, I could see why he’s with [Courtney].” why? Cox said, “They really did have a solid connection.”Cox did have one regret though. She had wished she’s also taken her clothes off on the show as Courtney did. “She was nude a lot,” Cox said of Robertson. “Maybe if I skinny-dipped I wouldn’t be here with you.”

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