Update: IS Aubrey Coming back? Click here to find out what’s in store in upcoming episode of The Celebrity Apprentice.
The Celebrity Apprentice aired a supersized three-hour episode April 1, 2012, titled, “Walking Papers, Parts 1 and 2.″ If you want to read our full recap of the entire show, click here.
During the episode, Aubrey O’Day and Arsenio Hall got into a verbal fight of gigantic proportions ending in an emotional meltdown by Arsenio and Aubrey possibly quitting the show.
Here is what happened in the boardroom:
It started with Donald Trump asking Arsenio if he enjoyed having Teresa and Aubrey on his team. He said yes. Then Clay Aiken responded to the same question by saying he feels that Aubrey brought a lot of ideas to the team but Teresa was a better team player. Arsenio said that managing Aubrey means one has to customize his/her style for her. He said you have to understand she is on a different speed and that one has to learn how to manage that. When asked by Trump to explain what he meant when he said Teresa is a better team player than Aubrey, Clay said Aubrey forges ahead with ideas, sometimes without getting permission from PM.
When the other team liked the box created by Arsenio’s team, Aubrey took credit for the quotes on the box saying to Lisa, “All done by me, aren’t you proud of me?” And Arsenio said, “That’s not true!” adding, “Typing is not writing.” He then told Aubrey that she did not write his statement on the box so the “totality” of what she said is not true. He then accused her of lying.
The execs liked Arsenio’s team’s box but hated the game show concept because it had more facts than be motivational. Aubrey told Trump that the game show idea was one of the men’s idea but could not remember who. Arsenio shot back and said it was very complicated and hard massaging Aubrey’s ego and he hates her selfishness. When asked, Clay agreed with Arsenio’s assessment of Aubrey and said Arsenio was a great leader and made sure the mood was OK. Aubrey started crying at this point. She asked Teresa if she taught her everything she knows. Arsenio interrupted and said, “Now, she’s a teacher!” Trump said that was a negative statement to say to another grown woman. Donald asked Teresa if Aubrey is selfish and she said no, “she speaks fast.”
Donald asked Aubrey if she likes Arsenio and she said “No, not after hearing everything he just said. I actually admired him on TV, I don’t admire him anymore.” Arsenio said he has to kiss Aubrey’s ass for her to like him. After being asked whom he would fire, Arsenio said he would fire Aubrey. Paul agreed. Clay also agreed and said moving forward they have to stick with the four players who are team players.
Arsenio’s team won but Aubrey still stormed out of boardroom. Teresa asked her if she is OK and she said yes. We then saw Aubrey telling the camera that she does not want to be around all of the negativity anymore. “It’s not the reason I came here. The environment is so unhealthy and ugly. I just don’t know if this is the place for me.” We then saw Aubrey get in an elevator and possibly walk off the show. She does not go back to the suite with her team. We do not know if Aubrey has quit and left Celebrity Apprentice. Next week’s previews show Lisa yelling at Arsenio in the aftermath, but we do not see Aubrey in any of the clips.
Watch Arsenio vs. Aubrey in the video clip below:
Back in the suite, no one still knows where Aubrey is and Arsenio is incredibly mad about what Aubrey did to him. He said they all did this as a team and not just based on one person’s ideas. He was also mad that she asked Teresa to defend her. “Punch me and ask Teresa how she feels,” he said.
Teresa told the camera that it was scary when Arsenio turned angry after being so sweet. Arsenio was having a total emotional meltdown and said Donald Trump has worked too hard to take his banner and put it on Aubrey’s “stank ass.” He said when he Googled Teresa to find out what she is about, he found out about her culinary desires and her fashion background, When he Googled Aubrey, a “naked picture of her with a gun popped out.” He then kept saying, “f*ck her.” Clay said it best: That Aubrey pushed Arsenio too much and “with Aresnio, once the dam breaks, it is on!”
Watch Aresenio’s meltdown for yourself in the video clip below:

I am so glad that Arsenio called Aubrey out in the boardroom. He handled himself perfectly. That bitch thinks she’s smarter than everyone on her team. She deserves all that was said TO HER FACE! unlike what she normally does, and that is to talk about everybody behind their back. Way to go Arsenio…
Amazinh that aubreys charity was the prevention of Billy’s. All Aubrey is, us a spoiled bully best. Who plagerizes other people’s work. Lisa is a bully as well I have waited 2 months for someone to show what Aubrey is all about. Good work Arsenio! Proud of you!
Its about time someone did! She thinks she knows it all, and that without her, that the show can’t make it without her! She plays this poor me Game on everyone and constantly tries to take over and not be on the show, but be the whole show! Arsenio had every right to react the way he did, and the whole poor me bit Aubrey pulled in the board room proves my point! And Sorry but Lisa has no room to talk or say anything to Arsenio about what he said, just cause she is stuck up Aubrey’s ASS, don’t mean everyone else has to be! She isn’t even on Aubrey’s team, so how did she even have a right to say anything to Arsenio? Aubrey leaving just helps her team, so why have a melt down on Arsenio? He just did her a favor, so this proves my whole Lisa up Aubrey’s Ass concept! Is Lisa her lover now or what, lmao! Arsenio, you did the right thing! It’s about time someone knocked Aubrey down a few notches! No wonder DK kicked her out and fired her! And she wonders why she don’t have a man, they all see right thru her BS! I see many, many divorces in her future! See ya Aubrey, you won’t be missed, and the show will run just fine without you!
I agree with some of the stuff that you guys said about Aubrey sometimes being self-centered, but if you really think about it Aubrey has contributed ALOT in the tasks before. She is a very strong women. Now that Aubrey has quit the show I’m not watching anymore.
I’m glad Arsenio told Aubrey off. That should have been done long time ago. I didn’t like her attitude when she was on “Making the Band (Danity Kane). She’s very self centered and not a team player at all. Her attitude really came on out “Celebrity Apprentice”, it’s ashame that she carried on this way but since the women didn’t do it Arsenio had to shut her down. Go Arsenio!!!
the last anonymous is a dumb fuckin cunt. aubrey was a piece of shit who was on a team with women that didnt call her out. her and lisa love to claim they do everything but guess what, you always fuckin lose! both of them should of been fired long ago.
First time ever there were THREE self absorbed losers on the Apprentice: Debbie Gibson, Aubrey and Lisa. Mutual admiration for each other but not team players. Reminds me of Sarah Palin–cannot get along with the other people there but will take credit for all the good and knife anyone in the back. These three were the pit bulls on the Apprentice–barracudas–unlikeable people. Wouldn’t cross the street to watch a show with any of those losers in action. Guess that means they should hire a ghost writer and start hawking their books.
Arsenio rode Aubrey’s coattails and Arsenio was wrong to go after Aubrey the way he did. Lisa is a bitter bully and would rather fight than utilize her team’s assets.
Im glad Arsenio let her ass have it.I can’t stand Aubrey or Lisa they think that they are controlling everything. I hope Arsenio let Lisa have it next.Thersa is a punk on this show.
Good job Arsenio you didn’t hold back on that ass. She only got what she had been putting out. I hope you let lisa ass have it next. They both are some bully’s but Arsenio wasn’t taking their crap. Go eat something Thersa and sit your no talking ass down.
Aubrey had it coming. There is a difference between being a strong woman and getting a straight bitch. I know Debbie Gibson had to be pissed off after seeing all the Stuff Aubrey gaff been about her. I thought Puffy was retyping when he our her our of the group. Now, I definitely see why. Egomaniac to the 3rd power.
Aubrey had it coming. There is a difference between being a strong woman and getting a straight bitch. I know Debbie Gibson had to be pissed off after seeing all the Stuff Aubrey gaff been about her. I thought Puffy was retyping when he our her our of the group. Now, I definitely see why. Egomaniac to the 3rd power.
Sorry Lisa, but this woman is Team Arsenio all the way. Too bad none of the other women had the guts to stand up to the self-centered…
She’s young and acts foolishly but the girl is very active in many charities and has raised a lot of funds for children with AIDS. Although I respect Arsenio for calling her out when she tried to take all the credit he did himself a discredit by losing control and acting in such an uncivil manner. And does anyone else think Clay looks really weird now?
It’s true Aubrey touts her own horn more than necessary. If only she could reign in her ego and let others praise her efforts, she would be more likeable and get some deserved credit. Arsenio was right to halt her roll but I would have preferred if he had let it go once he got back to the lounge area. Don’t keep kicking someone when they are down for the count!
Thank you Arsenio and the rest of the men. You stuck together and made things right. Aubrey and Lisa are bullies and need to be put in their place.
Teresa was afraid of Aubrey and did not bring her back to the boardroom. Aubrey was the lowest money raiser and should have been fired, not Debbie.
How much can 1 person take? Arsenio was a total act but when finally pushed 2 far by aubrey he snapped and let her have everything she had coming 2 her. So wat!? And teresa has some fricken nerve saying arsenio was “scary” since he was being so mean or something stupid 2 that effect. This can’t b the same trick from NJ who came up on reality tv solely due 2 a bunch of bullying, cursing like a sailor, and flipping tables. I so hope arsenio serves lisa “drag queen” lampanelli next week.
I think Arsenio Hall needs some heavy duty medication and anger management. There is no excuse for such disgusting behavior no matter how upset he was with Aubrey. I am disgusted by his loss of control, swearing and name calling. He is definitely not the next apprentice.
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