Dancing With the Stars aired its third performance show of Season 14 tonight, April 2, 2012. Our celebrities will each perform one of five different routines and the theme for tonight is a personal story or most memorable year.
Telephone Number: 1-800-VOTE4-02 or 1-800-868-3402
Dance/Song: Samba. SONG: TBD. Jack chooses the year 2011, the year he met his daughter for the first time. [Watch the video of Jack speaking about his daughter on the day he met her!]
Judges’ Comments:
Len: Said he saw a totally different side of Jack. He loved the rhythm, the choreography. Said this was Jack’s best dance yet.
Bruno: Said Jack got the party started! Said he was in the driving seat and his timing was better.
Carrie Ann: Said Jack totally uplifted the room and she wants to see more of him.
Scores: Carrie Ann 8. Len 8 Bruno 8. Total = 24
Performance video:
Telephone Number: 1-800-VOTE4-01 or 1-800-868-3401
Song/Dance: Rumba. Maria chose the year 1988, when she used to pop a quarter in the juke box to listen to “Madonna’s Material Girl.
Judges’ comments:
Bruno: Said he felt it. “Is it Maria or the goddess of love?” he asked. He said the song had no rhythm but she did a great job.
Carrie Ann: Said Maria is a beautiful and exquisite dancer. Added that nothing stopped her. “I’m speechless.”
Len: Said it was a mix of the ballroom and the bedroom. Called the technique very good. And gave it an overall “fabulous dance.”
Scores: Carrie Ann 9. Len 9. Bruno 9. Total = 27
Performance Video:
Telephone number: 1-800-VOTE4-11 or 1-800-868-3411
Bruno: Said Gladys has grace and finesse and that her frame was better. “You were absolutely gorgeous.”
Carrie Ann: Said she noticed last week that her frame was out of whack but she had improved this week. “You dance like you sing.”
Len: “You and I are the same age, I realize the amount of work and dedication to come out here each week, I admire you this week, can I please be a Pip?”
Scores: Carrie Ann 8. Len 8. Bruno 8. Total = 24
Performance Video:
Telephone Number: 1-800-VOTE4-05 or 1-800-868-3405
Song/Dance: Samba. Roshon chooses the year 1996 which was the first time he attended a Michael Jackson concert. Chelsea surprises Roshon with Jaskson’s choreographer to help him nail some of MJ’s signature moves.
Judges comments:
Len: “I love the flair, the devil may care attitude.” But he said he would like to have seen a little more traditional Samba. He added that Roshon gave it 100%.
Bruno: Said Michael Jackson would have loved it. “This is uncanny, I’ve seen Michael Jackson rehearsing in the 70′s and I thought I was looking at him.”
Carrie Ann: Brought the mood down by saying she does not think this is his best dance to date but said he is fun.
Scores: Carrie Ann 8. Len 8. Bruno 9. Total = 25
Performance Video: Will be posted as soon as available for online viewing
Telephone Number: 1-800-VOTE4-04 or 1-800-868-3404
Song: Rumba. Gavin chose the year 1998. That is the year he went to a Billy Joel concert and then told his dad that he wanted to sing just like. That desire inspired his family to move to New York city where Gavin started his career.
Judges’ comments:
Bruno: Said Gavin has hips and knows how to move them. But he warned Gavin that he needs to watch his turns. “You are getting better all the time.”
Carrie Ann: said she was a bit caught up. Called the dance sexy and sensual. “I have Gavin fever.”
Len: “I loved your hips” and added “I see progression week after week.”
Scores: Carrie Ann 8. Len 8. Bruno 8. Total = 24
Performance Video:
Telephone Number: 1-800-VOTE4-1 or 1-800-868-3410
Judges’ comments:
Bruno: Simply called it sensational.
Carrie Ann: Said Katherine’s dad is definitely smiling down on her and called the performance amazing.
Len: “There was lovely movement, I could easily go the other way because there wasn’t enough ballroom dancing, the bottom line is that you are a wonderful dancer.”
Scores: Carrie Ann 10. Len 9. Bruno 10. Total = 29
Performance Video:
Telephone Number: 1-800-VOTE4-06 or 1-800-868-3406
Song/Dance: Rumba. Sherri chose the year 2005 as the year her son Jeffery was born at only 22 weeks with complications.
Judges comments:
Bruno: “Mama can move! You were so into it and you didn’t lose it.”
Len: Appreciated the emotion Sherri put in that dance and said she did a great job.
Scores: Carrie Ann 8. Len 8. Bruno 8. Total = 24
Performance Video:
Telephone Number: 1-800-VOTE4-07 or 1-800-868-3407
Song/Dance: Jive. Melissa chose the year 2010 when she fell and broke her back.
Judges’ comments:
Carrie Ann: Loved it and said Melissa was dynamic.
Len: Said it was a happy ending and that Melissa is coming into the competition.
Bruno said Melissa is on a mission to put the raunchy into the jive. He said the opening of the dance was excellent but she has to watch her side to side movements.
Scores: Carrie Ann 8. Len 8. Bruno 8. Total = 24
Performance Video:
Telephone Number: 1-800-VOTE4-12 or 1-800-868-3412
Song/Dance: Rumba. Jaleel chose the year 1993 when his character Steve Erkel was first introduced on Family Matters.
Judges’ comments:
Bruno – “The Rumba has to be fluid and this one lacked it.”
Carrie Ann: Said Jaleel is back in the game and said he glides.
Len: He called it competent with the hips but said the dance could have been more fluid.
Scores: Carrie Ann 8. Len 9. Bruno 8. Total: 25
Performance Video:
Telephone number: 1-800-VOTE4-08 or 1-800-868-3408
Bruno: “Can you come closer please, I hate you, that was amazing.”
Carrie Ann: “What do you say to that, that was amazing.”
Len: Said William put a whole new meaning into “Free Willy!” Called the dance loose and said William has conquered the Salsa.
Scores: Carrie Ann 9. Len 9. Bruno 10. Total: 28
Telephone number: 1-800-VOTE4-03 or 1-800-868-3403
Judges comments:
Bruno: Said what he likes about Donald is that he pushes himself to the limit every time.
Carrie Ann: Said the passion that Donald expressed was mesmerizing and that she was truly touched.
Len: Said he did not expect Donald to come out and dance with such warmth. He did say it was a little hectic but called it awesome.
Scores: Carrie Ann 9. Len 8. Bruno 9. Total: 26

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