Guess which pregnant celebrity has a shoe fetish of sorts…
Any guesses?
Here’s a hint: She’s a pint-sized reality star who Tweeted this photo of her shoe closet with the caption: “Just one side of some of my shoes.”
So who is this star who has a love for platform boots in pink and leopard-print? Yes, you’ve probably already guessed correctly: It’s Jersey Shore‘s favorite meatball, Snooki.
“I LOVE ME SOME SHOES!!!” Snooki admitted.
When a fan asked her if her closet looked like this before she became a millionaire thanks to MTV, Snooki wrote “Basically. I always spent mula on shoes. It’s an obsession.”
Snooki may be keeping her impractical shoes for someone carrying around a baby bump but she is trying to be more responsible in other areas given her impending motherhood. “Sorting through my closet,” she tweeted. “Bye bye sexy clothes, hello milf clothes.”She’s staying true to herself though as much as she can. “My closet is still 100% animal print.”