Survivor One World aired a new episode tonight, April 11, 2012 titled “Go Out With A Bang.” There are eleven remaining castaways, five men and six women. Will the women be able to eliminate the men one by one? Or will the men fight back and take control?
Who do you think will be voted off and eliminated tonight? Look below for a live blog recap of the show with live voting and elimination results.
The show starts the morning after the last tribal council and Jay tells the women he thought he would be going home. Tarzan tells Troyzan that the women want to get rid of the men, one by one and this happened because the men let their team collapse. Troyzan says if the men find the immunity idol they can get back in it. Troyzan hasn’t told Tarzan he has the immunity idol and if he dislikes anything Kim and Chelsea do, he can make his own move. something he does not like he can make a move.
Today challenge is a do-it-yourself reward challenge. The winning tribe will get a boat ride to a secluded island where they will enjoy a barbecue. The contestants draw and the red team wins. That means Alisha, Kat, Tarzan, Jay and Troyzan get the barbecue.
Kim is happy that the women are ahead in the game. The women spoke and they think Troyzan or Jay should go home this week, it being whoever doesn’t win immunity. Chelsea is having a problem because she looked Troyzan and Jay in the eyes and promised them that she won’t vote for them. This upsets Alisha because no one told her to make a deal with them. Sabrina says to get to the end, they have to make some big girl decisions which means they have to put on their big girl panties.
Toyzan and Jay say for the women to prove they’re still with them, they will have to vote out one of their own. Jay tells Kat he wants either Christina or Alisha voted out this week. He then decides on Alisha. Jay wants the women to promise that the order of elimination will be Alisha first and Christina second and the girls agreed to to the order.Troyzan is worried that the girls will blindside them but Jay on the other hand is confident.
For today’s immunity challenge, the contestants will stand on a bar. The last man standing will win immunity. Of course, Jeff Probst offers the players temptations to get off the bar. Sabrina accepts the milk and cookies bribe.Jeff then offers cupcakes for someone to step down Kim and Kat both step down. Next is a bowl of candy and chocolate and Alisha takes them. There are then four people left in the challenge Leif, Jay, Troyzan and Chelsea. Troyzan loses his balance and he is out of the challenge. Jeff then offers chicken wings and beer and Jay takes it! The game is down to Leif and Chelsea.
The next temptation is three hamburgers, a bowl of chips and a cold beer. Chelsea convinces Leif to step out of the challenge and assures him that he is safe. Chelsea wins immunity!
Troyzan is suspicious of the women so he takes his immunity idol with him to Tribal Council. He tells Jay he will play the idol tonight. Jay runs and tells Kim that Troyzan is going to play his idol.
Kim tells Jeff that although she felt safe during immunity challenge, she is now worried. Tarzan says the men’s team has fallen apart. He says the order that people took the temptations at the immunity challenge told him a lot. Chelsea tells Jeff that someone may have the immunity idol. Alisha points out that Troyzan is wearing different shorts with lots of pockets so he may have it. Troyzan gives Jeff the immunity idol.
Troyzan – 2
Kim -1
Jay – 4
Alisha – 2
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