Survivor One Worldaired a new episode tonight, March 28, 2012 titled “Just Annihilate Them.” The women have the numbers advantage and maybe that’s what the title means: Get rid of the men!
For the challenge, the castaways had to go down down water slides and retrieve puzzle pieces. Reward is for a BBQ of burgers and steak plus keylime pie and 7-Up. Jay, Cat ,Troyzan, Alicia and Jay are in the green team. Yellow tribe wins: Sabrina, Christina, Leif, Kim,Chelsea and Michael.
Kim talks strategy with the women about getting rid of Michael. She thinks if she can get the 6 women to join up, they can control the game.
Everyone is mad at Tarzan. Tarzan, who is a plastic surgeon, asked Chelsea if she dislikes him because she had a bad experience with her plastic surgeon.
Kim lies to Troyzan that Michael is telling some folks that Troyzan is going to win the game. This is her plan to get Troyzan to vote Michael out and he seems to fall for it.
Jay wins immunity!
Kim is playing both of her alliances against each other and keeping her options open. She is leaning towards sticking with the woman and voting out Michael.
Chelsea asks Jay if he would send Michael home and he is shocked. He realized the Selani alliance is dead. When Kim realizes things may backfire on her, she goes to the men and says she wants to vote Christina out.
Everyone says if he/she gets voted out, they would feel blindsided. No one thinks they’re the one going home.