Hollie Cavanagh has just been eliminated off of American Idol in a live eliminations results show which aired tonight, May 10, 2012. Joshua Ledet, Jessica Sanchez and Phillip Phillips are now our Top 3 American Idols.
Hollie sang Faithfully by Journey and I Can’t Make You Love Me by Bonnie Raitt as her two songs last night. While the judges applauded her first performance, they crushed her Idol dreams with their remarks on her rendition of the Bonnie Raitt classic.
For her first song, Randy Jackson told her “Hollie wants the gold!” For her second, he told her the song failed to give her the moment she needed at this stage of the competition.
Steven said Hollie’s creativity had bloomed after he watched her perform Faithfully. But he changed his tune with Hollie’s second song, telling her she fell short. Looks like Steven and Randy were both sadly correct.