Michael Jackson wrote an eerie [yet sweet] letter to his former wife Lisa Marie Presley, complaining of what appears to be a case of insomnia. That letter, seen above, was set for sale at an auction until Lisa Marie stepped in and put a stop to it.
The former Mrs. Jackson would not elaborate on why she wanted the letter pulled off of the auction block, but it seems obvious after you read it.
The letter was most likely written sometime between 1993 and 1996 and reads: “Smell here [arrow pointing to box] Lisa I truly need this rest I haven’t slept litterally [sic] in 4 days now. I need to be away from phones and business people.
“I must take care of my health first Im’ [sic] crazy for you Love Turd.”
AW, he called himself “Turd!” I miss you MJ!
Michael Jackson of course died years later on June 25, 2009 after a lethal injection of Propofol was used to help him sleep. Julien’s Auction in Beverly Hills didn’t explain why Lisa Marie wanted the letter pulled other than saying the request was of “a personal nature” and “we wanted to honor the request.”