The Bachelorette 6/24 Show Recap: Who Got A Rose?


ABC aired another episode of The Bachelorette Monday tonight June 25, 2012. Below is a live recap of the Bachelorette starring Emily Maynard including who got dates, who got a rose and who was sent home. Here were Emily’s 6 remaining men at the beginning of the show:

Arie, 30, a race car driver from Scottsdale, AZ
Chris, 25, a corporate sales director from Chicago, IL
Doug, 33, a charity director/realtor from Seattle, WA
Jef, 27, an entrepreneur from Salt Lake City, UT
John “Wolf,” 30, a data destruction specialist from St. Louis, MO
Sean, 28, an insurance agent from Dallas, TX


Emily and her six remaining bachelors went to Prague. This is the final week before the hometown dates. Chris Harrison tells the men that there won’t be any roses on the one-on-one dates, but there will be a group rose.


The date card for Arie reads, “Let’s Czech out Prague together”. Arie says he’s fallen in love with Emily and is really excited to see her. Emily says that she likes to kiss Arie, but admits she knows something about him that he’s not telling her. Chris reveals that Arie had a brief “relationship” with Bchelorette producer, Cassie Lambert. Emily is not happy that Arie has not fessed this up to Emily on his own.

Chris tells us that Cassie discussed her brief romantic past with Arie with Emily. Emily is upset that Arie is comfortable with hiding that fact and she feels really stupid. On their date, Emily asks Arie if he’s being completely honest with her. He says that you trust someone until he/she gives you a reason not to. And then, he even says trustworthiness is the most important thing.

Trying to be open and honest, Arie admits that he has a tattoo of a girl’s name on him. Ya, well, that’s not what Emily wanted to hear. Cris tells the camera that Emily, Arie and Cassie had a talk off camera about their brief relationship and agreed that it was so long ago that it doesn’t even matter. We’re back to Arie on his dinner date with Emily. He apologizes for not telling her himself and they kiss. I guess all is forgiven just like that.

Arie is reassuring Emily that his family will love her when they meet during the hometown visit. He also tells her that he realized he’s in love with her in Croatia. She says that if things keep going this way, nothing would make her happier and that he has made her the happiest girl.
The date card with John reads, “In Prague, all you need is love.” The duo go to Lennon Wall and paint notes on it. Emily wants to find out if there is a romantic connection with John. They then head to a dungeon to have dinner. He says he dates girls like himself and the last girl he dated cheated on him. A day after their first year anniversary no less. He says he could fall in love with Emily but Em realizes John moves slowl because he’s been cheated on. They kiss. He says that he’s falling for her, but admits it’s a slow process for him. John later tells the men that his date with Em was a 10 on a scale of 1-10.
Sean, Doug and Chris get the group date and the card reads, “Let’s find our happily ever after.” Sean says he wants to talk to Emily so that he can let her know what’s on his mind. He leaves the hotel, yelling Em’s name trying to find her and he actually does. He tells her that he isn’t happy about being stuck on a group date. Em loves Sean’s confidence to go out and find her.. She tells him that she likes being around him and he makes her happy. They kiss….
Sean, Chris and Doug take a horse drawn carriage with Emily to the top of a hill where there is a castle. Em tells Doug that he has a lot of qualities that she’s looking for, but is not sure that they share a connection. She says she wants to get to know him better and meet his son and best friend. She tells him that she’s been waiting for him to show her that he actually likes her. He kisses her but she still doesn’t feel as if he’s fighting for her. She tells him that she has way too much respect for him to keep him away from his son any longer and with that she sends him packing. Doug now feels stupid for having kissed her. He leaves, crying, saying he will one day find the right girl and have a family.TWO ON ONE DATE WITH SEAN AND CHRIS
Once Doug leaves, this turns into the awkward two-on-one date with Chris and Sean with a rose at stake. But, at least the other one won’t get automatically sent home. Sean tells Em that his parents will love her when they meet. Sean and Emily kiss as Chris gets jealous.
Emily then takes Chris aside and he asks why he didn’t get a one-on-one date. He reveals that he is falling in love with her and she should meet his family. Emily ends up giving the group date rose to SeanONE ON ONE DATE WITH JEF
The card reads, “This is your last chance to pull at my heartstrings.”  They start the date with a stroll and a stop at a marionette shop. He admits that he would be the luckiest guy in the world to have a future with her. They then head to the library with their marionettes and act out every scene from their relationship to date. he tells Em that he’s one million percent in love with her. And then asks if they can get a dog together.They end up just laying on the floor and discussing kids and marriage. He says that he wants to grow old with her.
Emily skips the cocktail party because she knows exactly what she wants to do.
Sean got a rose on the group date. Arie got the first rose and he accepted. Next, she gave a rose to Chris, who also accepted. There was one rose left. Chris interrupted the ceremony and told Em he should’ve been more respectful on their date yesterday and said he is now ready to be the man that she deserves. Chris then got the final rose.
John got eliminated during the rose ceremony. Doug got sent home during the group date.

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