Charlie Sheen may finally be admitting that he was never #winning, but he certainly wins the celebrity quote of the day. Heck, maybe even of the month! This is what the “Anger Management” star told Rolling Stone about his recent crash and burn:
“Clearly, a guy gets fired, his relationships are in the toilet, he’s off on some fucking tour, there’s nothing ‘winning’ about any of that. I mean, how does a guy who’s obviously quicksanded, how does he consider any of it a victory? I was in total denial.”
If you think this means Sheen is totally on the wagon of sobriety, think again. “Sorry, but it works,” he says. “Anyway, I don’t see what’s wrong with a few drinks. What’s your drink? Tequila? Mine’s vodka. Straight, because I’ve always said that ice is for injuries, ha ha.”