The world is a lot sadder today as we mourn the loss of 12 innocent victims of the senseless and traumatic shooting spree at a Colorado midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises.
Celebrities seem to be just as horrified as the rest of us about these lost souls. And many have taken to Twitter to express their sorrows. And to push for stricter gun control laws.
Cory Monteith: “guns don’t kill people, people do etc.. but until we can fix society somehow you probably shouldn’t be able to buy AR-15’s at a fishing shop … such a senseless tragedy. when are we going to reconsider the role of guns in society? how many more times does this have to happen?”
Susan Sarandon: “The right to bear arms was referring to muskets. Maybe it’s time to re-think our gun policy on this day of slaughter in Colorado.”
Piers Morgan: “Lunatics like this will always try and get guns. It should be 100,000 times harder than it is for them to do so. That’s my point.”
Miley Cyrus (in a retweet): “Less guns = less psychopaths who can get guns = less innocent lives lost….seems pretty obvious to me.”
Chris Daughtry: “Stricter gun laws will not stop SICK people from getting access to guns…Laws & rules are not in the forefront of the mind of a criminal. ”
John Leguizamo: “My heart goes 2 all the victims families in colorado. No one should have to go thru that. When r we gonna get guns removed in this country?!”
Bryan Greenberg: “People against gun control are you kidding me?! Don’t even try to justify having a AR-15 for personal use. Not necessary!!”
Josh Hopkins: “Dear news media, In reporting about tragedy in Colorado please do less about ‘does Batman promote violence’ & more about gun control. Thanks.”
Kal Penn: “Such awful news to wake up to out in Colorado.”
Phillip Phillips: “Just read about theshooting in Denver. Breaks my heart to see that happen. My prayers are out to the family&friends. We need PEACE everyone!”
Ryan Seacrest: “Thinking about the families who were affected by this horrible incident in Colorado. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.”
Eva Longoria: My heart goes out to all the people affected in the Aurora, CO shooting. May God be with that town and their families…”
Nicole Snooki Polizzi: “My prayers go out to the victims and families of the Colorado theater shooting. #justicewillbeserved.”
LeBron James: “Its just not fair that innocent people have to lose their lives over someone’s selfish stupidity acts! My stomach is hurting over this.”
Olivia Munn: “My sincerest condolences to the victims and families in Colorado. So sad, so mindless.”
Cheryl Burke: “My heart goes out to all the families and victims in Aurora, Colorado. This is insane!!”
Karina Smirnoff: “Praying 4 all of the victims and families of the senseless tragedy in Colorado. Devastating 2 hear. My heart saddened…”
Lisa Rinna: “My heart and prayers goes out to the people of Aurora colorado. Senseless violence and killing has to stop. Tragic.”
John Stamos: “what devastating news to wake up to. my heart is with everyone involved in the Aurora #theatershooting. what the world needs now is…”
Ali Fedotowsky: “I am so saddened and sick after hearing about the Colorado movie shooting. I literally want to cry. My whole heart and thoughts go out to the families of the victims.”
Lauren Conrad: “My thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims, friends and families of the Colorado theatre shooting.”
Derek Hough: “Just heard the terrible tragedy of last nights shooting . From shock to anger , I don’t understand how someone could do such a thing . My heart goes out to the victims families and loved ones.”