Big Brother 8/30 Live Blog: Who Is Evicted Tonight? Who Wins HOH?

Big Brother 14 just got real good! Don’t you think??
Tonight’s episode (August 30, 2012) will have either Britney or Danielle evicted from the Big Brother House. But it took a lot of masterminding by Dan for us to get here! Who do you think will leave the Big Brother House tonight? Who will be evicted? Who wins Head of Household? We will be live blogging Big Brother all for you starting at 9 PM EST!

Let’s get us all caught up to speed before we dive into tonight’s episode. As current Head of Household, Frank had nominated Dan and Danielle for eviction, targeting Dan. Frank wanted Dan to leave so badly, he agreed to stay out of the next possible HOH comp. But, you can’t ever count out Gheesling!

When Dan was isolated for 24 hours, he came up with one of the most ingenious strategies and schemes ever thought of on BB to save himself from what seemed like a doomed eviction. Once Dan convinced Frank and Jenn to take him off of the chopping block, Britney was placed there as a replacement nominee and she is the target for eviction this week. Dan and Frank have even entered into a final two alliance!

So, looks like Brit’s almost out of the door and in the jury house. But this is Big Brother and anything could happen so, you will have to just wait to see if Brit or Danielle will leave Big Brother tonight.LIVE SHOW RECAP
And, we’re live! Julie Chen tells us the NY Post calls Dan’s epic last minute Hail Mary pass as the best BB move of all time!

We’re seeing the after math of Jenn using the veto. Dan tells the cameras “Getting Jenn to use the POV was my finest hour in this house. I don’t know how I can ever top that.”

We then see a huge verbal fight between Frank and Ian. Ian says this break any allegiance he had to Frank. Frank tells Ian he let go of $3000 so Ian can have it and Ian paid him back by voting Boogie out and nominating Frank for eviction. Dan just lays back and enjoys the mayhem.

Britney tells Dan he is treating her badly and she will remember that in the jury house. Brit then breaks down to Frank and Jenn and tells them if they keep her, she will help them in the game. Brit then goes on a Dan bashing mission.

Joe tells Shane he will vote however he wants him to. So, tonight’s eviction all comes down to Shane to decide to vote out his coach or best friend.

Frank tells Julie if Dan proves his loyalty in the next two weeks, Frank will be sincere in his final two alliance.


Britney takes some final stabs at Dan in her plea to stay…though it wasn’t much of a plea as Brit seems to know she’s out the door. She calls Dan “Judas”.
Ian votes to evict: Danielle
Dan votes to evict: Britney
Joe votes to evict: Britney
Jenn votes to evict: Britney
Shane votes to evict: Britney (crowd ahs, boos)WHO IS EVICTED?
Britney is evicted from the BB house by a vote of 4-1.

The “Soak Up The Sun” endurance comphas started. America has voted that the fist eliminated houseguest will get a punishment (versus a reward). Of course Joe has already fallen off before the CBS show ends. Jenn just fell off too….**As of 10:10 PM EST: Joe and Jenn fell off and are out of the competition. Everyone else is still hanging on.

**As of 10:20 PM EST: Shane, Ian, Dan, Danielle are still left in the comp!

**As of 10:41 PM EST: Danielle is out. Dan is now out, apologizes to wife. Shane and Ian are still in the comp.

**As of 11:41 PM EST: Shane and Ian still in it…As Dan calls it, it’s now the battle of Homecoming
King vs. Valedictorian.

**As of 11:50 PM EST: Shane asks everyone to go inside so he can speak with Ian. Ian tells Shane he is safe if he drops. Shane asks for safety for him and Danielle…Shane says he will drop in a few as long as he and Dani are safe…

Btw, Joes mentions every hour on the hour he will have to hula hoop. This sounds like the punishment for being the first person out of the competition. Click here to see who Ian nominates for eviction 🙂

We will be bringing you exclusive recaps, spoilers, photos from Big Brother 14 all season long. LIKE us on FACEBOOK (Click here) or FOLLOW US on TWITTER (Click here) to be kept up to date on all things Big Brother!

8 thoughts on “Big Brother 8/30 Live Blog: Who Is Evicted Tonight? Who Wins HOH?

  1. dan to let in win to get frank out. he is having everone else do the dirty work. wow poor in doesnt know about the hurricane tearing up his tulane area

  2. I have to agree…I think Dan threw this comp because he knows the whole house will go after Frank. especially now that they have two weeks to get Frank out (no chance to play in HOH). If Dan had won, he’d have to expose his alliance with Frank or put him up…too early for Dan to make that decision.

  3. Why is everyone against frank? Ian is a very smart player. He enjoys chess which is a very hard strategy game to player. And to top it off he is a snake. He will end up biting everyone until they cut his head off!!!

  4. Dan is a smart player and I think he is doing exactly what he should be doing. If you want to get to the end you have to let everyone else do the dirty work so you are not the target. I missed the live eviction on Thursday, but I was able to watch it over the weekend on my Hopper with the Auto Hop feature. I was able to skip all the commercials automatically, which allowed me to catch the entire episode before having to head to work at Dish. I was glad to see Ian win the HOH competition, because I know he will put Frank up.

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