Big Brother 8:31 Spoilers: Who Does The Current HOH Nominate For Eviction?

Big Brother Britney and Daniel on Eviction block
Big Brother 14 does not air a new episode until Sunday but we have some spoilers for you below of who is the new HOH and who are the new nominees for eviction!

WARNING: August 31 Big Brother SPOILERS:
Ian won the Soak Up The Sun HOH competition. Who does Ian nominate for eviction?Let’s catch you up to speed on the latest live feeds first.

Shane was runner up in the HOH competition and dropped out when Ian promised Shane safety for him and Danielle. Immediately, Frank went up to the HOH room and tried to buddy up with Ian, telling him he wants to work with him. Ian told him he will have to think about it.
When Dan figured out Frank and Ian talked for a long time, he made sure to get some alone time with Ian and worked his social game magic. He told Ian he wants to work with him and offered him a final two “Renegades” deal. Ian told Dan that the Quack Pack is still alive but he will tell him by end of the week if he will do a final two deal with Dan. Ian told Dan to work on his social game and stop telling Danielle she’s dead to him. He also told Dan to come to the HOH every day and work on memorizing house events for the next HOH or POV comp. So, looks like the deal with Ian and Dan is legit, at least for now.
Dan suggested Ian get Jenn out this week (so much for Dan saying yesterday that he owes Jenn for using the POV on him) since they can still get out Frank next week (Frank can’t play HOH next week–the houseguets do not realize it is double eviction next Thursday).
As soon as Frank went into the DR, and while Joe and Jenn were sleeping, Dan hurried Shane and Danielle into the HOH room where the four reaffirmed their alliance in secret. Ian told them that Frank and Jenn are going up on the block and that Joe will be the replacement if one of them wins the POV.

The live feeds were out for a while. They just came back and we learn that Ian opened up a Pandora’s Box which said if you open it, you may have the beat Christmas ever. Ian said he found a Christmas tree inside the box with toys underneath it. He has not admitted to getting anything else, if there was anything. The houseguests got some gifts too, such as an inflatable alligator for the pool and a new hammock. Apparently Jessie Godderz also came back to the BB house and replaced all of the junk food and alcohol in the house with healthy food.

CLICK HERE TO SEE WHO WINS THE POV!We will be bringing you exclusive recaps, spoilers, photos from Big Brother 14 all season long. LIKE us on FACEBOOK (Click here) or FOLLOW US on TWITTER (Click here) to be kept up to date on all things Big Brother!

2 thoughts on “Big Brother 8:31 Spoilers: Who Does The Current HOH Nominate For Eviction?

  1. LOL..Dan is amazing. He rats out the quack pack last week and is right back in with them this week. Who thinks Ian should nominate Frank? what happened to backdooring him? How about going after Dan?

  2. Ian’s nominations do not surprise me one bit. I was surprise to see him with HOH, but I am sure if they didn’t make a deal that Shane would have won. Each episode is just getting better and better. I missed the live eviction on Thursday, but I was able to watch it over the weekend on my Hopper with the Auto Hop feature. I was able to skip all the commercials automatically, which allowed me to catch the entire episode before having to head to work at Dish. I cannot wait to see this all played out in tonight’s episode.

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