Did Big Brother’s Frank Cheat During POV Comp? [VIDEO]


If you’re a fan of Big Brother 14, you may be asking “did Frank cheat in the POV competition?” The answer seems to be a definite yes. The problem is, as soon as any of the houseguests start to talk about this, Big Brother cuts the live feeds and shows a feed of the fish tank. So, we don’t fully know what happened, AGGRAVATING!


Below is what we do know.

WARNING: August 20 Big Brother SPOILERS:

Before we talk about the Frank incident. Let’s backtrack a bit. Shane won HOH. He blindsided the Silent Six alliance members Boogie and Frank by nominating them for eviction. Frank won the POVcompetition and Joe started accusing him of cheating. In fact, Joe tells Britney during the live feeds which are yet to air on CBS that he told BB production about the cheating. “It’s been documented” Joe says. But Joe also says production would not do anything about it because they claim the cheating did not affect the outcome of the game and Frank would have won anyway.

HOW DID FRANK CHEAT IN POV? There is some talk that Frank said he “palmed” a houseguests chip so he would draw that and pick a weak player to play in the POV comp. You can watch the YouTube video clip below which shows Frank speaking about doing that until BB cuts the feed. Once the feeds come back in the video below, you can also hear Boogie tell Frank not to “mention that other part ever again”. There is also some talk that Boogie told Frank when to “fold” before Frank folded during the POV–not knowing yet what the POV comp was, it’s hard to figure out what that even means. We just don’t know what really happened.


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Watch Frank discuss how he may have cheated in the YouTube video below:

One thought on “Did Big Brother’s Frank Cheat During POV Comp? [VIDEO]

  1. frank rules? seriously??? he’s a cheater. it doesnt matter that the cheat did or did not affect the outcome. thats like saying, “so what if a strong team cheats. the weaker team would have lost anyway.” RIDICULOUS!!

  2. Frank and Boogie can both kiss my ***! They are both jerks! Can’t wait for them to be gone. My biggest complaint off all with BB…..they keep bringing back old players! Enough is enough!

  3. love the fact that it was removed due to copy right… He should lose the power of veto and cbs should do something about this like taking the veto from him…

  4. removing the video is clear the productin is guilty of covering up a cheat! BB is one of my favorite shows but this has crossed the line!

    • I agree 100%If BB is gonna fix the shows and allow cheater to stay then why should we the public watch the show.Come on BB every one knows that Frank cheated.Take the POV away from him.Do the right thing.

  5. If CBS knows that he cheated and he did.cause its on tape of him cheating and talking to Boogie.I think Frank should be kicked off for cheating.and CBS should stop covering for players who cheat.

  6. It’s Big Brother. It’s lying, cheating, back stabbing and yes. The wheels on the bus go round and round, so get under it. If he cheated, he cheated. That’s the game ladies. I’m sure in the real world Frank would be an upstanding gent. BTW, this isn’t the first time cheating was know about and production didn’t intervene. Why not? It’s Big Brother and they are suppose to just watch to expose the players.

  7. I think BB should make frank not participate in the next pov he is chosen for. Also, BB shouldn’t keep bringing back old players, what happened to new players, I don’t mind the all stars one, but don’t mix new with old, I don’t like it.

  8. haha – they all do this all the time!!!! They also throw comps. BB said it didn’t affect the outcome at all. Maybe if it would have been bad they would have done something. come on people – all the hg’s do this

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