Big Brother 14 does not air a new episode until August 19, 2012 but we have some spoilers for you. Look below for spoilers of who is nominated for eviction by the new HOH!
WARNING: August 18 Big Brother SPOILERS:
WHO WON HOH?Shane won the “Swamped” endurance HOH. Britney won safety for the week and Boogie opted to go for the $10K cash prize. YOU KNEW that would come back to hunt him.
WHO WAS NOMINATED FOR EVICTION? Shane nominated Boogie and Frank for eviction. Boogie tells Shane that if he knew Shane would do this, he would have gone for HOH rather than the cash prize. Guess Boogie forgot he’s in the Big Brother house where no one is safe. Ever. Shane tells Boogie he nominated them because that’s what his coach Britney wanted. Britney is pissed at Shane because she feels that Shane threw her under the bus. Boogie and Frank see Dan as the reason for their eviction and want to win POV so they can backdoor Dan if they can convince Shane to put him up as replacement nominee.
Click here to see who wins the POV which will be held later today on Saturday.
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