The statement alleges that MJ’s will executors are causing harm by damaging “fundamental family relationships” and isolating Katherine Jackson “from anyone questioning the validity of Michael’s will.”
“Since the loss of Michael, Janet, Randy, and Rebbie’s principal concern has been and continues to be for the safety and well-being of Michael‘s children, their mother Katherine Jackson, and the entire family.” The statement continues, “Unfortunately, those people have been harmed by the actions of the executors of Michael’s estate, the estate’s lawyer, and those installed and paid to do their bidding.”
The Jackson sibling trio say they will continue to contest Michael Jackson’s will because “the executors have never explained how Michael could have signed his will in California on a date that irrefutable evidence establishes that he was in New York.” The trio will “press forward in their search for the truth in order to carry out the wishes of their brother Michael.”