Selena Gomez is featured in the September issue of Teen Vogue where the 20-year girlfriend of Justin Bieberdishes on movie roles, her next album and dating the most famous teenager on the planet. But when it comes to her dream music collaborator, it’s another Justin that Selena drools over.
On future movie roles: “Being part of the Disney Channel was such a blessing, and I’m super happy with what my show accomplished, but acting is something I would like to take on more seriously. I don’t necessarily feel accomplished. I want to create a whole different persona when it comes to acting.”
On her next music album: “It’s going to be different – a little older but still really fun.”
On her fantasy music collaborator: “Who I would die to work with, but I don’t think he ever would – I don’t even think he’s doing music anymore – is Justin Timberlake. Just ’cause I love his music sooo much.”
On dating Bieber: “It’s really fun. I’m lucky. I’m 20. I don’t take anything in my personal life too seriously. I have great friends and a solid group of people I love. I feel like everything else will come organically.”