A very distraught and inconsolable Will Ferrell appeared on Conan last night. What you wonder could have this comedian in utter tears? Well, it’s the breakup of Robsten of course!
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart’s split has seriously made Ferrell way too upset to go on. “They’ve broken up,” sighed Ferrell “and they’re not gonna get back together ever!”
“What they had was so special, Conan! You don’t even know what they had! They were in looove! And she just threw it all away!”
Ferrell wondered, “I don’t know if there was anything I could have done to have prevented it…I don’t know what this does to the Twilight franchise…I just don’t know!”
Lashing out at Stewart, Ferrell screamed, “She is a trampire!”
Watch Will Ferrell cry over the Robsten break up in the YouTube video clip below: