Big Brother 14 airs a brand new episode tonight September 12. The live feeds have been cut for over a day but we have some spoilers below of who will be evicted and who the new Head of Household is. Check out t he spoilers, or, come back starting at 8 PM for a live blog of the show.
WARNING: Big Brother 9/12/2012 SPOILERS:
As you know, Ian won the last Head of Household competition after Joe was evicted from the BB house. Ian then nominated Jenn and Shane for eviction. Once Shane won POV and took himself off of the chopping block, Ian placed Jenn on the block as a replacement nominee.
Now, that’s when the live feeds cut out but the chatter on the internet is that Jenn was evicted yesterday and that show will air tonight. Also, the spoilers say Danielle won the HOH, getting herself a ticket to the final three. I never thought I’d see Danielle do well in this game. Now, it looks like she just might win it all.
Come back to CelebMagnet at 8 PM for a live blog of the show! Our spoilers are usually right because we go off of the live feeds. This time, since no live feeds, we have to rely on chatter from people that attended the BB taping yesterday.
It’s day 68 in the BB house and we are one week away from the finale! Julie Chen surprises the guests live and tells them this is a fast forward and someone will be evicted tonight. We then get flash backs of the week with Shane and Jenn on the block. Dan is at work trying to stab Shane and get him evicted. He is working all angels except for Ian.
POV competition is under way – it’s a flying puzzle comp! Ian notices that only Shane and Jenn are doing well in the comp, so, he decides to help Shane. Jenn realizes she is alone in the game. Shane wins the POV and a luxury comp to go see the Olympics Fab Five team. Shane takes Danielle with him who used to teach gymnastics and is “super super excited to meet them.”
Shane and Danielle get cozy on the date and Dani is loving her life.”This is one of the top moments of my life so far,” she gushes. And they kiss. When Dani comes back to the house, Dan who wants Shane gone gets his game face on and tells Dani he really missed her. So, now, Dani is all confused: “My head tells me to go with Dan, but my heart says to chose Shane.”
During the POV ceremony, Shane, as expected, took himself off of the block and Ian replaced him with Danielle.
Both Shane and Dan vote to evict Jenn and Jenn becomes the fifth member of the jury. As Jenn leaves the BB house, she says, “Listen, the winner is in this room, so, keep it fun and keep it classy. And don’t forget to burn this place down.”
The HOH competition is “Photographic Memory” which sucks that Ian can’t play because he always says he has a photographic memory. The comp ends in a tie with Dan and Danielle..we have a tie breaker…Even though Dan’s guess was closer, he went over and DANIELLE WINS HOH!

I think Shane secretly like Danielle. He might just not want to show it on camera. He was so nice to her on the date and even kissed her. I missed the eviction and HOH comp last night, so this morning I made sure to watch it on my Hopper with the Auto Hop feature. It automatically skips the commercials for me, so I got ready for work while watching it. The feature saves me time, so I had a chance to grab coffee on my way to work at Dish. I am very happy that Danielle won the HOH because I know she will take Dan to the end. I think it is goodbye Ian tonight.