Over the weekend, Seal accused his estranged wife Heidi Klum of cheating on him with her bodyguard, Martin Kristen. His exact words to TMZ: Seal wished that Klum “at least waited until we separated first before deciding to fornicate with the help”.
I guess Seal had a change of heart and is now singing a different tune. In a new statement, Seal’s rep would like to set the record straight:
“Seal would like to clarify that he was not implying his wife was cheating while they were together, but he was merely pointing out that their separation and divorceare not yet final and they are indeed still legally married.”
Klum had also issued her own statement, which may be the reason for Seal’s retraction: “It is sad that Seal has to resort to this kind of behavior and spread these untruths about the mother of his children.”