Oh what a difference a day makes. Yesterday, an apparently jilted Chris Zylka trashed his ex-girlfriend Lucy Hale on Twitter. Today, The Secret Circle actor apologized for his harsh words.
It all started with the 27-year-old actor tweeting to a fan, saying, “Don’t have a girlfriend. She decided she was too good.”
The Amazing Spider-Man star later added: “Never any disrespect towards anyone. Only if you say what you say you should stick to it. If you say you love then love.”
These posts were later followed by several others which included this gem most likely intended for Hale: “There’s a difference between celebrities, and movie stars. Celebrities fade away while movie stars stick around forever.”
Chris, who obviously had a change of heart today, wrote, “I’d like to apologize about my previous comments. Lucy is not only one of the most talented people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing but also one the most beautiful inside, and out.”
He continued, “I apologize for tarnishing any view anyone has on this amazing women. I had the honor of loving her. That love will never fade, as your love should never fade from her as well. She’s going to change the world one day. [HUH, she is?!] And the last thing I want to do is be any reason for her to look bad in any way.”
Chris went on: “She’s a remarkable human with an infectious personality, and a heart bigger than anyone’s I’ve ever known. Proud to love her. And I’ll continue to be her biggest fan as I know she will to me too. Love you all and be well and don’t forget ARIA RULES!!!!!”
Alrighty then. Wonder what tomorrow will bring…