The Voice 10/9: Live Eliminations Results & Recap


The Voice Live Eliminations Results October 9, 2012

The Voice airs a brand new episode tonight October 9, 2012 as the competition airs its Battle Round Part 2. Tonight, the singers continue with the duet battles and the coaches get to decide who stays and who goes home.

In addition, the judges Adam Levine, Cee Lo Green, Christina Aguilera and Blake Shelton have a chance to steal other coaches’ artists. How the new steal twist works is that it will allow each coach to be able to steal two artists from any other coaches’ team once the contestants have been eliminated from that respective coach’s line-up. As we saw last night (click here for a full recap of last night’s show), both Adam and Blake walked away with an additional team member which they stole.

Come back to CelebMagnet starting at 8 PM EST tonight for a live results blog and recap of The Voice tonight. Find out who is eliminated off of the show tonight and who goes home and which coach steals which artist. The battle rounds narrow the field of contestants from 64 artists to the top 40.


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Team Cee Lo starts the night with a duel between Domo and Cody Belew.  The two will battle it out on ‘Telephone’ by Lady GaGa.  During rehearsals, Cee Lo admits he worries that Domo won’t be able to deliver because she keeps going on about what a legend she is, you know, because she says she can sing like Mariah Carey and Aretha Franklin. Rob Thomas is helping out Cee Lo again and is not impressed. He tells Cody not to worry and to just go out there and give it his all.

After the duel is over, Blake says that both singers have a lot of stage presence. And of course, tells them them they are good looking. He’s become the new Paula Abdul. Christina says the song is more Domo’s comfort zone but was glad Cody wasn’t just giving up. Christina says it was good that Domo didn’t have too much confidence, for once. Adam agrees. Cee Lo is not happy they the singers put more emphasis on  choreography than stretching themselves as artists. Cee Lo Keeps Cody. Domo is leaving!


Aquile and Nathalie Hernandez duke it out for Christina, singing James Morrison’s ‘You Give Me Something’. Natalie suffers from a lack of confidence. Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong tells her that she sounds some what like Norah Jones and Nathalie Merchant of 10,000 Maniacs. Aquile knows the track and has fun with it.

After the duel, Cee Lo says he loved it. He adds there’s something “precious” about Nathalie and “commanding” about Aquile. Adam liked the performance and says Natalie is only 15 and will be ready soon but Aquile already there. He said when he was 15, he was a zit! Blake thinks Aquile is “awesome!” About Nathaile he says that she’s already “so good” despite her lack of experience. Christina chooses to keep Aquile. Nathalie is eliminated.

Christina also paired up Celica Westbrook vs. Lisa Scinta in a battle which was not fully aired on The Voice tonight. After the battle, Christina chose to keep Celica and sent home Lisa.


The Voice is not airing full duels on certain performers tonight. They tell  us that between Charlie Rey and Rudy Parris face off, Blake picked Rudy as the winner. Charlie Rey goes home.


Caitlin Michele and Melanie Martinez face off on Team Adam to Ellie Goulding’s ‘Lights’. Adam says let’s make it “cool and weird”. Mary J Blige is “completely shocked” by Melanie’s vocals. Caitlin is a little scared.

Blake says he has a hard time telling what he likes with “indie” artists since they do not fit under any particular genre. Christina says theirs was the “prettiest and most moving” performance of the day. Cee Lo says it’s a beautiful song and they performed it in an “enchanted” way. He likes them both. Adam is impressed and “over the moon” with both of his artists and can’t decide who to keep. Adam declares Melanie as the winner. Caitlin is up for grabs! Both Blake and Cee Lo want to steal her. Caitlin picks Cee Lo as her new coach!

That’s all for tonight! Please take a second to vote in our poll:

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Team Cee Lo: Domo

Team Christina: Nathalie Hernandez and  Lisa Scinta

Team Blake: Charlie Rey

Team Ada: Caitlin Michele but Caitlin finds a new home on Cee Lo’s team.


Team Cee Lo: Cody Belew

Team Christina: Aquile

Team Blake: Rudy Parris

Team Adam: Melanie Martinez


Caitlin Michele is stolen by Cee Lo!

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One thought on “The Voice 10/9: Live Eliminations Results & Recap

  1. The battle rounds are going great and The Voice’s a favorite primetime show of mine. There’s some incredible talent and the battles are bringing out the best. I never thought I would care to watch this show, but after my coworker at DISH told me about it, I knew I would love it. The Voice will be enjoyable this season, and less of a hassle having all my primetime shows recording on all my TV’s. It’s been a problem for a long time, but now I have the Hopper DVR which has PrimeTime Anytime. I get all four major networks recorded to one TV every night. I don’t have to worry about tying up the TVs or forced the kids to watch recordings while my things record. I’ve never had it easier and that’s all thanks to the Hopper.

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