Yesterday, a video was unearthed showing Angus T. Jones bashing Two and A Half Men, the show which pays the 19-year-old actor $350K a week. Calling the show ‘filth,’ Angus urged his fans to stop watching it because he does not want “to be contributing to the enemy’s plan.”
Not to be left out in the cold, Rainn Wilson, accompanied by Craig Robinson, did his own tongue-in-cheek video poking fun of Angus, and calling his show The Office ‘filth.’
In the video, Rainn urges his fans: “Take it from me who’s on the office, don’t watch it. That filth will rot your brain. They call it entertainment. Ya, right, do some research. The Office this Thursday night on NBC at 8/7 central is completely the enemy.”
Watch Rainn Wilson trash The Office in the video clip below:

Pingback: Angus T. Jones Apologizes For Outburst Against Two & A Half Men; Charlie Sheen Blames Chuck Lore