The Voice Top 10 take the stage tonight November 10, 2012 and perform live for America’s vote. Who will you be voting for tonight? Come back to CelebMagnet starting at 8 PM EST for a live blog and recap of the show and find out the judges’ comments, contestants song choices and voting telephone numbers! If you missed any of last week’s performances, click here for all the videos from The Voice!
The Top 10 Voice finalists singing tonight are: From Team Adam Levine: Amanda Brown, Bryan Keith, Melanie Martinez. Fron Team Cee Lo Green: Cody Belew, Trevin Hunte, Nicholas David. From Team Christina Aguilera: Sylvia Yacoub and Dez Devon. And from Team Blake Shelton: Terry McDermott and Cassadee Pope. Two of these artists will be eliminated after their perform tonight and CelebMagnet will have your live elimination results here tomorrow starting at 8 PM EST.
While you wait for tonight’s live recap, vote for your favorite artist from The Voice 2012 Top 10:
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-And, We are live!! Refresh page often for latest updates.
-Christina Aguilera and Blake Shelton perform. WE WILL POST THE PERFORMANCE VIDEO HERE ASAP!
Sylvia Yacoub
Song: Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys
Judges’ comments: Cee Lo: Great song choice and shes becoming more confident. Adam thought it was by far her most polished performance and he was blown away. Blake agreed with both and said people will have a hard time forgetting that performance even though she went first. Christina said she was on fire.
To VOTE FOR SYLVIA YACOUB: Call 1-855-voice-01
Watch Sylvia Yacoub sing Girl on Fire in the video clip below:
Terry McDermott
Song: Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams
Judges’ comments: Christina said he’s always spot on and it’s fun to watch him because he sings on his tip toes. She called it his signature style. Cee Lo said he reminds him of everything he genuinely loves about rock n; roll and he’s a fan and cant wait to hear Terry’s music. Adam just gets angry every time he watches Terry because Blake stole him. Coach Blake said he’s not good at conveying his thoughts and feelings and that’s why he sent him an email. He agreed with Cee Lo that Terry reminds him of everything he loves about Rock n Roll.
Watch Terry McDermott perform Summer of 69 in the YouTube video clip below:
Melanie Martinez
Song: The White Stripes’ “Seven Nation Army”.
Judges’ comments: Blake likes seeing her use an instrument and said she is the only artist other than his own that he wants to work with in this competition. Christina said there is something cool, unique and special about her voice but she’s waiting for her to push the bar. Cee Lo said it was “over cool”. He called her a variety spice of life. Coach Adam was happy to hear Cee Lo say that because she really pushed to do this particular song and he’s proud she stayed her ground.
Watch Melanie Martinez sing the White Stripes’ “Seven Nation Army” in the video clip below:
Cody Belew
Song: Beyonce’s Crazy In Love
Judges’ comments: Adam said Cody is awesome. “You’re so cocky in a good way and make me look humble…We all smile and enjoy everything you do.” Blake asked if this is the same guy that sang Jolene earlier. He really enjoyed it. “This is a big night for you!” Christina said Cody is like a true Diva. She loved it and enjoys watching him move. Coach Cee Lo said Cody brings him a lot of joy. Cee Lo says this song choice was a game changer.
TO VOTE FOR CODY BELEW, call 1-855-Voice-04
Watch Cody Belew sing Crazy in Love in the YouTube video clip below:
Bryan Keith
Song: New York State of Mind by Billy Joel
Judges’ comments: Blake said it was two weeks in a row that Bryan has showed this other side of himself which Blake did not know existed and compared him to Michael Bouble. Christina thought it was a perfect song choice and likes that he enjoys what he does. Cee Lo loves that he sings like a man’s man and when one sings that song, one has to have a pair (of balls). Coach Adam singing Billy Joel makes them more critical as judges cause they all love him but Bryan did that song justice.
TO VOTE FOR BRYAN KEITH, call 1-855-Voice-05
Watch Bryan Keith sing New York State of Mind in the video clip below:
Amanda Brown
Song: “Stars” by Grace Potter & the Nocturnals.
Judges’ comments: Blake did not like the song but liked how she sang it. Christina loved the very emotional performance. Cee Lo was impressed by the job Amanda did as was coach Adam.
TO VOTE FOR AMANDA BROWN, call 1-855-Voice-06
Watch Amanda Brown sing Stars in the video clip below:
Nicholas David
Song: Lean on Me.
Judges’ comments: Blake: This may be the best episode of The Voice. I don’t know what it is, but it was like watching a legend perform. Christina said it was soothing for her soul, the setting and performance. It was like chicken soup for the soul. Genius song choice, applause Cee Lo. Coach Cee Lo said he heard the voice of a generation. He saw an immaculate impassioned performance. And he felt in the presence of his maker.
TO VOTE FOR NICHOLAS DAVID, call 1-855-Voice-07
Watch Nicholas David perform Lean On Me in the video clip below:
Trevin Hunte
Song: Scream by Usher
Judges’ comments: Adam could not comment for a while due to the audience applause. Then when he could speak he said he can sing anything and it would sound good. This was not Adam’s fave moment but he could sing the dictionary. OH OH, / Christina said this was her favorite moment coming from him. She loved it. “You were living. You’re young and 18 and were living!” Coach Cee Lo said he trusted him win lose or draw and is glad it paid off. Most importantly was to see him alive and free and living! And confident!
TO VOTE FOR TREVIN HUNTE, call 1-855-Voice-08
Watch Trevin Hunte sing Scream by Usher in the video clip below:
Song: Over You written by Blake Shelton and sung by Miranda Lambert. The song is about the death of Shelton’s brother who was killed in a car crash in 1990.
Judges’ comments: Christina thanks Cassadee for the sincerity of the song. Cee Lo thought it was an amazing moment. Adam thinks that this kind of song suits her the best because it felt like such a good fit. Coach Blake said this is the most emotional song he’s ever written and when Cassadee sang it, he felt like he heard it for the very first time.
TO VOTE FOR CASSADEE POPE, call 1-855-Voice-09
Watch Cassadee Pope sing Over You in the video clip below:
Dez Duron
Song: Feelin Good
Judges’ comments: Cee Lo loved it. Blake congratulated him for figuring out what type of music he wants to sing.
TO VOTE FOR DEZ DURON, call 1-855-Voice-10
Watch Dez Duron perform Feelin Good in the YouTube video clip below:

Pingback: Cassadee Pope Delivers Emotional Performance of Over You On The Voice 11/19 [Video]
Pingback: Christina Aguilera Sings 'Just A Fool' With Blake Shelton [VIDEO/PHOTOS]
Pingback: Melanie Martinez Sings Seven Nation Army On The Voice 11/19 [VIDEO]
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Hi Adam, I love your voice, I love you invited me to his concert