Emblem3 got eliminated off of The X Factor last night – but they’re certainly not crying about going home.
All Emblem3 wants to do – that is Wesley Stromberg, Keaton Stromberg and Drew Chadwick- is make badass music! At least that’s what they said in their exit interviews.
“Honestly, I only feel happy right now,” Wesley admitted, “we get to go and make some badass music right now and not be under any restrictions.
“Bottom line is we had the dopest experience. We got everything we really wanted out of this competition, which was a solid international fan base. We expanded our comfort zone by stepping out of it, we learned how to do interviews. It was like training, like music industry on Miracle-Gro.
“We just learned a lot and now it’s over and we’re about to go do it for real. We built the foundation we entered the competition to build.”
That is the best attitude ever. I have no doubt Emblem3 will go on to do great things. Now, what does Wesley think about LA Reid’s X Factor exit? He said, “I think L.A. Reid is more of a creative, behind the scenes production type of dude. Reality TV is more about the TV show and producing the television show more than the music. Me and him have a lot in common that sense.”
Chadwick also joined in the conversation. He thinks –as does CeCe Frey– that Tate Stevens deserves the title most. “Carly is 13 years old, she’s an amazing singer, she’s going to be doing great things with the talent she’s been given. [Tate Stevens] is a little bit older.
“He’s amazing, he’s been playing music for a long time, he’s a family man, he has a great heart, he has pure intentions, he’s a good guy. I feel like he really deserves this. He needs a break. I love Tate. I love Carly and I love Fifth harmony too, but I think he’s the most deserving.”
I like these sweet badd-ass-music-making guys!!

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