Fitness Magazine has released its Hottest Celebrity Bodies of 2012 and we have all the winners for you in case you want to know who in Hollywood has the best cleavage, legs, abs, butt, well you get the picture…
Here are the lucky winners of the best body parts:
- Best Cleavage: Kate Hudson – Am I the only one shocked by this choice? Runner-up was Amy Poehler (“for that jaw-dropping Emmy dress”)
- Best Abs: Gwen Stefani – Seriously, there is no doubt on this one
- Best Butt: Eva Longoria – I’m sure Nicki Minaj and Kim Kardashian will feel slighted here. Jennifer Lopez got the runner-up honors.
- Best Curves: Jennifer Lawrence – she also was just named The Most Desireable Woman of the year!
- Best Back: Julianne Hough
- Best Revenge Body: Katie Holmes
- Best Legs: Blake Lively
- Best Arms: Michelle Obama
- Best Baby Bump: Claire Danes
- Most Fit Couple: Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake
- Best Bride-to-Be: Jennifer Aniston
- Best Body After Baby: Beyoncé
- Fab After Forty: Halle Berry – She’s been fab all her life, age does not define this lady.
- Fittest Morning Show Host: Natalie Morales
- Best Celebrity Slimdown: Pink. Kelly Osbourne got a fitting nod here too in second place.
- Hottest Female Olympian: Alex Morgan
- Hottest Male Olympian: Ryan Lochte, duh! Danell Leyva got the silver in this category and Michael Phelps the bronze.