Adam Lambert turned 31 today. But it looks like the Grammy-nominated American Idol alum celebrated the festivities over the weekend by getting an unlikely lap dance from David Arquette. Yes, David Arquette, Courteney Cox’s ex.
Adam Lambert Tweeted this photo with the caption, “Yup, this happened,” referring to David stripping down to his hairy chest at his Bootsy Bellows nightclub in Los Angeles on Saturday and giving Adam a raunchy-looking good time.
Arquette proudly boasted about his antics too and tweeted, “I’ve got video to prove it (remember forever) haha! @LAMBERTLUST @newnownext @adamlambert.”
Want to make Adam happy on his big day as well? Take advice from the singer who has encouraged his fans to donate $31 in honor of his birthday to the We Are Family Foundation which empowers youth to make the world a better place.