Justin Bieber is trying to put the whole pot smoking photos fiasco behind him by teasing his fans about a possible SNL hosting gig. And visiting cancer patients.
As for SNL, JB Tweeted Monday: “maybe im hosting and performing on SNL…maybe.:)” This Tweet came after the one he posted last week, teasing his fans, “2013 got some big things coming…. gonna stay positive. #BELIEVE,” adding, “2013. what’s coming? #snl ???”
The rumor which has been circulating is that Justin is set to host and perform on the February 16 episode of SNL, which will be the Valentine’s Day episode. You can swoon already girls.
Now, as for visiting the cancer patient shown here, Biebs spent some time Sunday before his concert in Salt Lake City with Millie Flamm, a seven-year old cancer patient at Primary Children’s Medical Center.
“Look at this bundle of joy,” Justin wrote as a caption to the Instagram photo. “I love her.” Millie’s mother told The Deseret News that “[Bieber] walked in and [Millie’s] whole face just lit up…he was so sweet to her.”