Recently-engaged Kelly Clarkson glows in photos for her feature story in Cosmopolitan‘s February 2013 issue.
The 30-year-old singer shared her feelings on fiance Brandon Blackstock among other topics with the mag. Here are some excerpts from the interview:
On fiance Brandon Blackstock:
“Brandon’s totally the one. I’ve never been so happy. We’ve known each other for years, but we didn’t start talking until the Super Bowl last February. And this is the funniest/worst thing ever: One of my superhero idols is Whitney Houston, and the day she died was our first date. I was like ‘This is a bad omen…’ Six years I was single before this. I’ve never been truly loved like I am right now.”
On rumors that she bats for the other team:
“People think, ‘Oh, she’s been single for too long.’ That’s kind of an insult to the gay community. Being single doesn’t mean you’re gay.”
On being hit on by women:
“I’m never insulted by it, obviously. I mean, I get hit on by the hottest girls ever. Oh, my god, if I were a lesbian I would be so in luck. But it’s just not that my thing. I’ve always batted for the boys’ team.”
On her weight loss:
“One magazine said I lost 40 pounds—that’s a small child, by the way. I lost 18 pounds. And I think that happens when you fall in love or date someone. If I’m going to be kissing or messing around, I gotta look good. There’s not a fad diet. I was working with a trainer, and she said, ‘You’d be amazed the amount of weight you can drop by halving your portions. I know it sounds crazy, but do it for two weeks and watch what happens.’”