Below is a recap of The Real Housewives of Atlanta Episode 11 “Donkey Kicks” which aired January 13, 2013:
Kenya has dinner with her aunt and cousin and tells them about her break-up with
Walter. She tells them that he did not make her feel loved, respected or attractive;
he didn’t hold her hand or try to kiss her, he was cold (maybe that’s because the
relationship was fake?) Her cousin chimes in insinuates that Walter may be gay since he wasn’t attracted to Kenya; then in the next breath she says that Walter had previously tried to hit on her. Well, which is it- is he gay or does he just have bad taste in women? Either way, Kenya assures them that she is over Walter and ready to “get back on the horse” because there are plenty of men out there who want to ride her. Umm… delusional party of one.
Unfortunately, her break-up with Walter is the least of her problems this week.
Kenya met with Phaedra and her husband Apollo about producing their
“donkeybooty” workout video. They show her some of the moves they hope
to include in the video-the “bootydrop” which is a traditional squat with some
additional flair and the Funky donkey. … I’m not exactly sure what that is, but it was
fun to watch. Once they show Kenya the moves, its time to talk business. Kenya tells
them her proposed budget is $100,000 and that she has done about 6 weeks of pre-
production work and has already secured a distribution deal for the video. Phaedra
says she needs to think about it and discuss it with her attorney.
Phaedra meets with her lawyer, she tells him Kenya’s proposed budget “sounds like
hocus pocus.” Her attorney agrees, that the budget is inflated since it is only a one-
day shoot and that they only need 3 cameras instead of 4 and can work with a set
that is not as elaborate as the one Kenya proposed. Her attorney leaves… or so we
think. He actually hides and listens to the entire conversation in another room while
Phaedra and Apollo meet with Kenya. Very sneaky Ms. Parks, but seriously who
hides a grown man in another room to eavesdrop, just have him sit in the meeting. I
guess that’s one way for her lawyer to get his billable hours.
Kenya tells Phaedra and Apollo that she wants 10% of the back-end sales from
the video. She argues that she has put in weeks of work and has secured them
a distribution deal. Apollo wants to negotiate but Phaedra won’t budge; she
essentially tells him to shut up by implying that she is the brain and he is the brawn
in this operation. Phaedra tells Kenya that she spoke with Kandi’s boyfriend Todd,
who is also a producer and he told her that the $100k budget is absurd for a work
out video and he could produce it for a quarter of that amount. Kenya is insulted
and says that she usually gets 50% of the back end, and that she has produced multi
million dollar films. Phaedra responds that she has never heard of any of these films
and does not know who would give Kenya a 50% profit split. Kenya leaves and vents
in the parking garage that she can “barely buy a pair of shoes for what they are
paying me and I only wear $1000 shoes.”
Phaedra’s lawyer re-enters the room and tells her that he heard everything and is
willing to negotiate with Kenya, but if they cannot come to an understanding he
recommends they move on and find someone else to work on their video. Apollo
wonders what will happen to Phaedra and Kenya’s friendship if the deal falls apart.
Phaedra isn’t too worried about it “ fortunately, we haven’t been friends for that
Kandi throws her boyfriend Todd a surprise birthday party. Kenya approaches
Apollo at the party to discuss the “donkeybooty” drama. Phaedra sees them talking
and tells the cameras “Kenya must have forgot that Apollo and I are married, I don’t
care if she has a prayer circle around him, at the end of the day he still has to consult
Apollo tells Kenya that he wants to push forward even though it’s awkward and the
deal terms didn’t make sense. Kenya says, “I’m handing you a deal and you don’t feel
like I don’t deserve anything; as an attorney Phaedra should know that no one does
a deal for free. “ Apollo says that he does not think that, he makes a joke and quickly
escapes back over to his wife.
Kenya moves on to her next target, the birthday boy, Kandi’s boyfriend Todd.
“When I decided to take on this project for a friend I didn’t think it would all be
for nothing. Phaedra isn’t necessarily giving me any honest answers so I see Todd
and I think maybe Ill have a conversation with him and get to the bottom of it.”
Kenya approaches Todd and Kandi, “Happy birthday, you guys make such a great
couple and I’m really happy for you… also I heard you talked with Phaedra about the
donkeybooty project. “ Smooth, Kenya really smooth.
Todd looks uncomfortable but Kandi confirms that they did talk to Phaedra and says
that they have to sit down and talk about it but “if it works out then it works out.”
Kenya says “I think that was my mistake, we didn’t discuss the actual deal between
us. They thought that I brought them a deal and that should just be part of one little
fee.” Kenya wants to continue the discussion but Kandi cuts her off and tells her she
does not want to talk about business at a birthday party. Kandi is not happy, telling
the cameras “does it look like we are about to tape your DVD right now. You couldn’t
have brought that up tomorrow, give us a phone call, send a note but don’t talk
about it at my man’s party. I don’t want any s**t. Bottom line is I will f**k somebody
up about my man and I’m not playing with you.”
The next day Kenya arrives at Cynthia’s modeling school, The Bailey Agency.
Apparently, Phaedra tweeted that they are casting the “donkeybooty” video there
today, but neglected to tell Cynthia. Cynthia promptly cancels the casting because
she does not have any information about the project and has not been paid for
her services. Kenya relays her troubles with Phaedra and this project to Cynthia.
Phaedra arrives and says that she was under the impression that everything had
been discussed and taken care of and she only tweeted that to get more people to
come to the casting. Phaedra and Kenya begin arguing about the payment issue
once more. Phaedra tells her “I don’t think you deserve a back end. You are hoping,
whishing, wanting.” Kenya wonders, “What kind of ass clowns am I doing business
with? How am I supposed to work with someone who doesn’t respect me or my 20
years in this business.” On her way out, she tells Phaedra “I don’t want to do the
deal, I’m done. I wish you well. I’m not feeling well; all this business is making me
sick. Ladies, gentlemen, girls and queens, have a nice day.”
Phaedra tells the cameras “I’m shocked but I’m not surprised. I was trying to give
her an opportunity and when everyone else was saying she was as crazy as a bed
bug I was defending her.”
Next Week- Surprise, Kenya is making a “stallionbooty” workout video. Apollo calls
her a copycat and Kenya says she will be “copycating the way to the bank when she
cashes her check.” And then, of course she twirls.