The Real Housewives of Atlanta returned to Bravo tonight with a new 12th episode of the season called, “Battle of the Booty.”
This week, it was all about the battle of the bootys- Donkey vs. Stallion.
Since angrily parting ways with Phaedra over back end profits in Phaedra’s “donkey
booty” workout video, Kenya decided to release her own workout video, the
“stallion booty.” Let the games begin.
Kenya maintains that Stallions are sleek, strong, and beautiful, donkeys are broken
down and slow. Meanwhile, according to Phaedra, Kenya has a “Six Flags scream
machine booty with all those lumps and bumps everywhere.” She continues, “Kenya
drinks like a fish and then acts like a fool. I think she has a chemical imbalance- thatis how bipolar people act- lithium can fix that; there is good stuff out there for these problems.” Phaedra even goes so far as to call Kenya the “devils little sister.”
A newly engaged Kandi (the engagement is not discussed on the show, since
it happened recently, but Kandi has confirmed via twitter and on Watch What
Happens Live with Andy Cohen tonight that she and her beau Todd are now
engaged) and Kenya discuss the dueling videos; Kandi tells Kenya she is bootlegging Phaedra’s idea. “Taking the original product and doing the knock off version is bootlegging. That’s like I have ‘bedroom Kandi ‘and you go and do ‘bedroom Kenya’.
I wouldn’t come and do a video called ‘stallion booty’ when I know the person that I
call friend is doing ‘donkey booty.’ “ Kenya tells Kandi, “workout videos are a dime a
dozen there is room for everybody.“Kandi ends the discussion by telling Kenya that
she needs to have a conversation with Phaedra.
Phaedra is busy finding her own distribution deal for her video now that Kenya and
her stallion booty are out of the picture. “Kenya can try and bootleg my idea all she
wants but I will always be one step ahead of her. I will find another deal and it will
be A list not D list like Kenya.” She actually is able to secure a deal with the team that produces fitness videos for Madonna and Jane Fonda. Score one for team “donkey booty.”
Kenya and Phaedra finally meet face to face and Kenya tells Phaedra about her
“stallion booty” video. She tells Phaedra “I think the whole donkey thing is cute
but for me I like to be identified with a strong, graceful creature like a stallion.”
Without missing a beat Phaedra says “you know a stallion is a male stud horse right?
Imitation is the highest form of flattery.” Kenya tells the cameras “Phaedra suffers
from a very rare disease, its called full of s**t itis.” NeNe gets in on the action and
tells the cameras “do you know what a donkey ass looks like, its very wide honey,
and very big child I don’t see anyone wanting to walk around with a donkey ass. “
Kenya sums it up by saying “this is about business, you walked away if you didn’t
like the deal then you didn’t like the deal, if you didn’t like working with me fine, so
bless my project and be on your way what does it matter to you. If I wanna make a
video because I’m hot, I’m gonna make a video because I’m hot. Let the consumer
decide.” When Phaedra’s husband Apollo calls her a copycat, she tells him “I will be
copycatting all the way to the bank when I cash my check.” Kenya leaves with her
signature twirl. Phaedra parting words are “bye, bye darling, toddles Miss America
(we all know from Kenya’s blowout with Porsha she hates being mistaken as Miss
America) Phaedra realizes the mistake and corrects herself, and calls Kenya “Miss
Ratchet USA.”