Monday’s episode of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (February 11, 2013) is titled “White Part Pooper”. Below is a full recap of episode # 14. Both Kim’s new nose and tipsy Taylor make appearances in tonight’s episode.
Kim is throwing a party at her home to unveil her new nose, as Kyle called it, “a Quinceañera for a nose.” Kyle arrives at the party early and is chatting with Kim when Taylor calls. Taylor tells Kim that she is on her way to the airport with her new boyfriend. She claims she is in love and he is taking her away for the weekend. Kim and Kyle are shocked and confused, noting that they haven’t even seen Taylor on a date in months.
Taylor continues, “I’m so happy and he loves Kennedy” (her daughter). Kyle has brought Kennedy to the party with her and asks Taylor if she should keep her- mommy dearest Taylor responds, “Oh you have Kennedy with you?” Kyle confirms that the little girl is indeed with her and offers to keep her for the night. Taylor hangs up and goes traipsing off to parts unknown with her mystery man while Kim and Kyle stare at each other in disbelief. By this time, Adrienne and Marisa have both arrived and slam Taylor for not knowing where her daughter is. All of the women agree that Taylor seemed more than a little tipsy on the phone and that she could possibly have a problem.
Last night after the episode aired, Taylor took to her Bravo blog to try to clarify the situation She claims that Kennedy was supposed to spend the weekend with her grandparents in the O.C. and on the way, the nanny stopped by Kyle’s home to pick something up. Kyle then offered to take Kennedy to the party with her since Kyle’s daughter Portia was also coming and the two could play together. Taylor claims the nanny never notified her of the change in plans, which is why she didn’t know the little girl was with Kyle that night. In her blog post she accuses Kyle and Adrienne of not sticking up for her when they knew the truth- “I take my responsibility for Kennedy more seriously than anything. Kyle knows this well, and I am hurt she didn’t communicate this and the facts of the evening when the girls were discussing it at the table at Kim’s.” She goes on to say, “Adrienne was a friend for years and does know how seriously I take the care and parenting of my daughter. I am furious she sat there at the table and didn’t say a thing to support me or defend me. I am not surprised considering her lack of support for both Kennedy and me over the last few years, just disappointed . . . again.”
She did admit to being tipsy at the time of the phone call, saying she had been celebrating with her new boyfriend all afternoon and had a few glasses of champagne. She decided to leave with him for the weekend because “I mean honestly, if I went to a party for every friend that gets plastic surgery in Beverly Hills, I would never sleep.”
Aside from tipsy Taylor’s shenanigans, Kim’s party and her new nose were both successes, even though Adrienne insists, “My husband would’ve done just as good a job but it looks beautiful.” Now, it’s the other Richards’ sister’s turn to throw a party. It’s time for Kyle’s annual “white party.” White indeed- the only two brown faces I saw in there were Brandi’s friend and Byron Allen. Brandi and Adrienne’s never ending drama persisted and the two squared off again. Adrienne and her husband Paul continued to deny they are suing Brandi, and used a rather Clintonesque technique of denial asking, “What is legal action?”
They contend that if Brandi would just watch what came out of her mouth they would call off their team of lawyers. “You’re a loose cannon,” accused Paul. “Welcome to the United F—ing States of America,” Brandi shoots back. Brandi then breaks out a pile of paperwork that seems to back up her allegations about Bernie (Adrienne’s chef who Brandi and Lisa accuse of selling stories about them to the press) and the lawsuit, the Maloofs back off a little and it looks like the never-ending saga may be over. Enter Lisa and Ken- those cheeky Brits know just how to stir up trouble. When Lisa and her husband Ken join the fray and Ken reminds them “Friends don’t sue friends (which was Adrienne and Paul’s mantra last year), we could’ve taken umbrage against Bernie and you for what you said. We didn’t.” Paul says that Lisa had threatened his wife’s shoe business when she rattled off her Maloof Hoof jab and Ken scoffed. “That made that shoe.”
Next Week- the women, especially Kim think Taylor needs an intervention. If her recent blog posts is any indication, Taylor does not agree- “I am a grown damn woman and I do not have to explain my relationships, the depths of them or “when I am going to see him again” to anyone. I lived through five years of stress and spent the last year angry at the world unable to pinpoint why. I now understand that is part of grieving but let me tell you it sucks to be “Angry Spice” all the time! I was starting to feel like me again, the old me, long before my marriage began. I was reminded of how happiness could feel and I didn’t need Kim Richards’ approval, still don’t. Until next week when Kim decides she is now Dr. Drew!”