Monday’s episode of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (February 25, 2013) is titled “The Real Housewives of Paris.” Below is a full recap of Episode 15 of RHOBH:
Tonight the ladies bid adieu to Beverly Hills and jetted off to Paris. Obviously, Adrienne Maloof didn’t go… because she’s Adrienne Maloof. Unfortunately, Marisa Zanuck could not join the ladies because her father–in-law film producer, Richard Zanuck, passed away. Before the ladies could leave for Paris, there was drama in the 90210. Of course.
Sisters Kim and Kyle Richards meet to discuss Taylor Armstrong’s drinking, and the bizarre conversation last week where Taylor did not know her daughter was with Kyle- cue montage of Taylor drinking (nice touch Bravo.) Kim and Kyle agree that Taylor likely has a drinking problem and decide to confront her. Strangely, Taylor vehemently denied having a problem on her Bravo blog last week but tearfully admitted to it on camera this week when confronted by the Richards sisters. Taylor fessed up to using alcohol as a crutch to deal with her husband’s suicide and the mountain of debt and problems he left behind. She opts out of the Paris trip to stay home and focus on her daughter and herself.
This week we got a glimpse into Lisa and Ken’s family life- Lisa and Ken are going to visit Ken’s son in the south of France. Who knew Ken had another child from a previous marriage?! Ken’s son is the product of a brief marriage when Ken was 19 years old. Years later, Lisa met Ken when she was 21 and Ken’s son was 15- there’s only a 6 year age difference between stepmother and stepson- awkward. Here’s where it goes from awkward to Lifetime Movie- Ken’s son meets Lisa’s friend who is 16 years older than he is, the two have a secret affair and get married! Obviously this did not sit well with Lisa and Ken, Lisa says that it took some time but eventually everyone was able to get over it and move on. Lisa admits that she and Ken were wrong; Ken’s son Warren and Lisa’s friend Sue have been married for 26 years. Oh yeah, they live in an amazing mansion in Saint Tropez… so I guess things worked out for them.
Yolanda is back in tonight’s episode. She is throwing a housewarming party for ex-husband Mohamed in his new home; home is putting it mildly, this place is a palace. Yolanda says that she is happy that she and Mohamed can be friends and that their marriage did not work because “faithfulness was not his strong suit” and that is hard for a nice Dutch girl to handle.
Marisa was at the party and continued to act like a jerk towards her husband, Dean. She constantly prattles on about Dean being the grandson of one of the founders of 20th Century Fox and that the family has been in the movie business since the 1920s. She really makes it seem like she married poor Dean for all the wrong reasons- remember a few episodes back when she said although he loves making small independent films she wishes he would make big studio movies so she could enjoy the money and perks? Well tonight, Marisa is at it again. Yolanda’s husband David Foster remarked about the Zanucks being married for 16 years, he quipped, “maybe it’s time for a change.” Marisa wastes no time agreeing and saying “I’m very lucky because he’s so in love with me.” She continues to say that she thinks like a man and she looks at other guys and thinks, “that guy over there is really hot and I would like to do that.” Dean hangs his head silently and the other ladies look surprised and Marisa laughs, totally oblivious to the depths of her obnoxiousness.
Also at the party, Yolanda decides to confront Taylor. All of the Ladies (Kyle, Lisa and Brandi) have been telling Yolanda that Taylor talks about her behind her back. Yolanda calmly approaches Taylor and asks if there is a problem. Taylor smiles and tells her there is no problem. Yolanda aptly surmises, “Obviously she is lying and I’ll just wait for her to come to me.” Taylor later tells the cameras her problem is not with Yolanda, but with her husband David Foster. As Taylor loves to mention she is a close friend of David’s ex-wife. Yolanda notes that his ex is still in love with David and wants him back. Yolanda hinted in her Bravo blog that there is more to come of this drama with Taylor. Fingers crossed; finally Ms. Foster will have a storyline.
While chatting at the party, all of the ladies realize that they will be in France at the same time! What a coincidence, totally not arranged by the network I’m sure. Lisa and Ken are visiting Ken’s son in France and will meet Yolanda, who will be in Paris with her daughter on a modeling shoot. They invite Brandi and for unknown reasons Kyle and her husband will also be in Paris around that same time. Of course Kyle invites Kim and we’re off to Paris- Bonjour! Speaking of Brandi, did you see the hot mess of a dress she designed and wore for the Oscars? Click here to see but brace yourself.
Side note: Why is Brandi boarding a 11 hour flight in a short white dress and sky high heels?
Next Week- The “Beverly Hillbillies” as Yolanda calls them will be in the City of Light stirring up drama. Kyle and Lisa have it out for the millionth time and Kim’s wacky behavior worries the group.

The best part of any housewife show is the group trips, and it looks like we get the old Kim back for this trip to Paris. I work at DISH, and The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is a one of my favorite shows to talk about with my co-workers. Unfortunately, this airs on a night when I work late, but with my DISH Hopper and its 2,000 hours of storage space, I’m able to record the full season along with the full seasons of my other favorite shows. There is so much room available; I never have to worry about deleting them.