Celebrity Apprentice airs its third episode of the season tonight March 17, 2013 titled “I’m Being Punked by a Jackson”. It promises to be a show filled with drama as Omarosa and LaToya Jackson get in a verbal fight and outburst. You can watch a preview of tonight’s showdown between Omarosa and LaToya in the video clip below. If you missed any of last week’s season premiere, click here for a full recap.
The task for the teams tonight will be to create a Soap Opera themed commercial for Crystal Light. LaToya Jackson will head Team Power as project manager and Stephen Baldwin will lead Plan B. Susan Lucci and Jack Wagner will make star appearances to help the celebrities complete their task.
One celebrity is rumored to walk off the show tonight. Who will quit? Also, we have spoilers as to who will be fired —if you want to know, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. LOOK BELOW tonight starting at 9 PM ET for a live blog and live recap of tonight’s Celebrity Apprentice and to find out who Donald Trump fires tonight.
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We’re in the boardroom and people are congratulating Omarosa except Claudia and LaToya who know and are talking about Omarosa’s fake tears. Marilu knows Gary is mad because she spoke up against him in the boardroom and tries to make peace. “You have the biggest heart in the world,” she tells him and he says he heals a lot of people. “I have angelic love in my heart.” He forgives her and says, “I am an angel in a human’s form.”
Omarosa delivers her $40,000 check to her charity, Sue Duncan Children’s Center. Sue Duncan mentored her late fiance Michael Clarke Duncan. Omarosa breaks down into tears.
The task for the teams tonight will be to create a Soap Opera themed commercial for Crystal Light. It’s time to ‘rethink your drink’. The teams have to write, direct and act in a commercial for a new drink. They will be graded on creativity, execution and branding. Ivanka Trump and previous Celebrity Apprentice winner Arsenio Hall, Jr. will help Trump in this task. The winning team gets $50,000 for his/her charity. Trump also welcomes back Trace Adkins who missed last week’s task.
Stephen Baldwin is the project manager. Stephen says his strategy is to be far more dominant in leading his team this time around. His team meets with the execs and asks them what the key points are which they want to market. They tell him it is a light brand and they need to focus on zero calories.
Penn thinks Stephen is sweet and passionate but says Stephen thinks everyone around him is stupid. Stephen is now working with his team on the story line. Penn comes up with story line of “you customize your Crystal Light.” Stephen is not surprised that Penn who is brilliant comes up with the story.
Plan B is coming up with the story line in a harmonic way. They’re all having fun and getting along. Susan Lucci shows up to their meeting to help them. Trace Adkins says she’s a sweet classy lady. Trace will play her love interest in the commercial and Trace seems smitten. Arsenio Hall joins the team, gets on one knee and kisses Susan’s hand. Everyone is smitten with Lucci.
Arsenio sees a happy team but because Plan B lost last week, Arsenio says ‘happiness does not always spell success.’
Stephen thinks Gary Busey is brilliant and not as disconnected as everyone thinks. Marilu talks about all the celebrities she’s made out with on screen, including Burt Reynolds. She says, “but not Gary Busey.”
Stephen is being a dictator during rehearsals. This does not sit well with Penn who says he will laugh at Stephen when he is alone in his hotel room. Trace Adkins tells Stephen to be nice to Marilu or he will kill him.
Plan B’s commercial starts and they use the lightness or strength of the Crystal Light as a way to guide the romance in each scene. I liked Team Power’s commercial better until Busey set foot on stage. He’s hilarious. Stephen said everyone on his team got 20 gold stars but if they lose, he will place all blame on Penn Gillette.
LaToya Jackson is the project manager. LaToya is concerned that Dennis is on her team. LaToya wants to make Omarosa stage manager but she wants to be in the commercial, so, she pushes back. Claudia is worried that the other team has all the actors. Omarosa suggests they go with a housewives’ theme and takes over the brainstorm session. She keeps interrupting LaToya. They start to butt heads. LaToya tells the camera that because she is soft spoken, Omarosa thinks she can run all over her.
Team Power is coming up with a story line, but so far, we have not yet seen them meet with the execs. Perhaps it’s editing. LaToya says they have their storyline and going “big and over the top.” Brande and Lil Jon came up with the idea to get the audience to participate in the commercial by taking a sip of Crystal Light every time a ‘Dun Dun Dun’ sound is made as is in soap operas.
Omarosa refuses to take orders from La Toya who tells her to “please be quiet.” Omarosa tells her to be respectful. “Don’t ever tell me to be quiet, be respectful….look up good leadership and take notes. Being disrespectful will never work for me….I will take you down.” LaToya stands up and Lil Jon says when a black woman cocks her neck and puts her hand on her hip, there is problem. Omarosa stands up and Lil Jon says Omarosa also cocked her head and stood up so there is going to be problem. The two go at it for a while. Claudia said LaToya totally checked Omarosa and knocked down the bully. “LaToya knows we have her back,” Claudia says. LaToya says Omarosa probably was the reason her fiance had a heart attack. Omarosa says she was ‘punked by a Jackson.’
Omarosa says after the ‘fireworks’, she went out with Claudia for the important work of buying the wardrobe from Lord & Taylor. She keeps calling back the staff for direction on what to get because she says she has no direction. Claudia says she sees the method to Omarosa’s madness because she’s getting approval on every step so if they lose, she can say LaToya approved it all. Brande says Omarosa sucks the energy out of her team.
Jack Wagner joins Team Power to help them with their commercial. Lil Jon is happy to work with a soap opera legend. Arsenio Hall also checks up on the team. Arsenio says he felt tension in the room and was scared for LaToya. She tells Arsenio Omarosa is a conniving witch. Arsenio says he’s known LaToya for 20 years and has never heard her use the words ‘conniving witch’ out of LaToya’s mouth about anyone else.
While rehearsing, Omarosa gets a call that a tabloid was airing the 911 call of the night her fiance had a heart attack She steps out in middle of rehearsal for playing her big role of the villain to take care of her issue. Her team is distraught. Omarosa fought for that role and then left her team in the dust.
On the day of the live commercial, Omarosa is no where to be seen. Claudia steps in. Dennis says ‘the saboteur’ is no longer around. Now that the villain is not around, Team Power is getting along well. Everything is going well until the ‘wicked witch of the midwest’ Omarosa shows up saying she was not letting the team down, so she had to get back there. Now what?? Who plays the main role?
Dennis says Omarosa pulled the great Houdini yesterday and then today showed up. LaToya says Brande is adorable, Omarosa is not. Omarosa watched the commercial from the side. Their commercial is funny and cute. Everyone is laughing in the audience. BUT, La Toya got the product names wrong during the commercial. That’s probably a fatal mistake which is a shame because she did a wonderful job as PM otherwise. They do really great otherwise. La Toya is heard telling the cameras that Omarosa is the weakest player on her team.
The execs liked Team Power’s performance and said it was very energetic. But they did not believe the product was central to the story itself. They thought Stephen’s team only focused on one drink but La Toya focused on two. But they said Stephen’s team made the product as the main part of commercial.
The celebs meet up with Donald Trump! We will soon find out which team won this week’s task. Trump tells LaToya if he fires her this time, he will not let her back again this season. LaToya tells Trump Brande and Claudia were her stars but Omarosa did not participate in the task. Omarosa explains she had to leave for a family emergency but worked her butt off the one day she was on the task. LaToya disagrees. Omarosa says she’s a leader not a follower but was happy when LaToya spoke up. The two go at each other right off the bat.
La Toya says Omarosa was ‘negativity’ and tried to take control. La Toya speaks up for herself, and I love it. Arsenio asked about the ‘estate’ issue which kept her from attending and Omarosa explained that last night the tabloids aired the 911 tape made when her fiance suffered a heart attack and she wanted to work on that issue. Dennis finally went against Omarosa and said this is a team effort and she should have been there. When asked, Brande said she loved La Toya and her strength. When asked, Brande said Omarosa was a problem because when she left, they became a harmonious group.
When asked Stephen what he thinks of what he’s hearing from the other team, he said he’s just glad Omarosa is not on his team. When asked who the weak link is on his team, he said Gary even though he admitted Gary was terrific on this task. He then called everyone else amazing one by one.
Arsenio said he loved Trace’s voice during the soap opera. Penn said it was his idea to only use one flavor to keep things simple. Trump said the execs did not like the use of just one product. Penn admits that was a problem and he did not have a solution for it. When asked, Marilu said as far as skill set goes, Gary was the weakest player. Trace agreed. Trump asked why and Trace responded, “Because he is Gary” and everyone laughed. Poor Gary raises his hand and we cut to commercial!
Now, Gary gets his turn and says he’s been in the business for decades and Stephen was at the top of his line in directing. What a class act he is. Lisa then said Gary is the weakest link.
The execs said product customization was central to Plan B’s theme and Trace sang beautifully. The negative again was that they only used one product. They also were confused why Susan Lucci was only used at the end.
As for Team Power, the execs liked the cheesy soap opera seen and that LaToya was very creative but the creativity muddled things at times. The negatives were that it felt rushed and phonetic They said the branding was there but haphazard and not well integrated. Arsenio said the other actors were great but he wanted to see Omarosa in the mix. Omarosa then starts crying and says she’d never chose Apprentice over her honey. She said she is unapologetic about choosing Michael over a soap opera. Arsenio was not happy that Omarosa fakingly asked to leave when she was going to leave anyway. Omarosa keeps crying non tear cries. Claudia keeps biting her lips. Dennis gives her a handkerchief for her tear less cries and Trump says do not use that handkerchief. Trump said he wished Omarosa had stayed because the Crystal Light execs picked Stephen as the winner and maybe La Toya would have won if Amarosa had stayed. WHAT?!!! Did The Donald really just say that? If he likes Omarosa that much, you know he is not going to fire her. He just basically said it’s not her fault La Toya lost.
Time to find out who is to blame for Team Power’s loss and who La Toya will take back to the boardroom with her. Other than Omarosa, who could she take? Before we find out, we see Plan B in the suite and Gary Busey says it’s hard to be disrespected by the whole team and he puts his head down on the table. Stephen tries to explain by calling him brother, Gary says his heart is hurt. He says he is a winner.
Back to the boardroom, Trump starts by asking if Dennis is happy he has tattoos and if he would get them all over again. Then Ivanka asks Lil Jon if his grill is removable. What is going on?!
Trump says the audience picked Stephen’s commercial 2-1 and it surprised him to hear that because he heard her commercial was great. La Toya says she was shocked to see Omarosa get better two minutes before they went on. Omarosa said she was never sick and then harped on brand integration being the problem and La Toya mixing the flavors in front of the execs. La Toya asked Omarosa if she knew the flavors and Omarosa nailed it. OOOOPS! Then La Toya has to admit she got one of the flavors wrong. Ivanka then corrects Omarosa and said the execs thought La Toya understood the brand very well, they just thought she did not position it well and used it as a prop.
When asked, Lil Jon spoke up for Dennis for bringing a different point of view. When asked, Omarosa blamed La Toya for the loss because it was a brand messaging issue. Brande and Claudia sit quietly as Omarosa blasts La Toya. As do the men. Omarosa says Claudia is weak if she is uncomfortable with the short fight with the ladies. “You should not be a princess baby, this is all stars,” Omarosa says. “I came to win and honor my man” Omarosa said. When asked, Brande said during the creative, Omarosa was there and she only came up with one idea.
La Toya asked as project manager, can she have the opportunity for the first time ever to fire someone on her team? We cut to commercial. I love La Toya. Ok, we’re back. Trump said no because he got a lot of heat for bringing her back after he fired her once. Arsenio asked if La Toya could reiterate what she told him about Omarosa. La Toya said she thinks Omarosa is a witch.
Trump said he feels bad for La Toya because she wants to win but she’s in trouble because she is the project manager. And now–you will not believe this my readers. La Toya picks Dennis and Brande to come back to the board room with her. Everyone is shocked. Ivanka asks, “You did hear me specifically say Dennis was a star?” La Toya said Omarosa was her first choice but she’s hearing all her lies…Trump interrupts her and says in the history of the apprentice this may be one of the strangest decisions ever on Apprentice. Omarosa says ‘Thank God.” Arsenio says he understands La Toya’s decision because she’s reading between the lines of what Trump said. La Toya explained her choices –saying Brande worked on branding and Dennis was not a big contributor and Trump says even though he loves Omarosa and even though she brought his show to #1, he can’t believe La Toya’s decision.
While waiting to go back to the boardroom, La Toya says Donald would not have fired Omarosa but Dennis and Brande say Trump was gunning for Omarosa. I think Trump now has to fire La Toya because this was a dumb ass move. I am sad to see La Toya being fired for the third time–I loved that this soft spoken lady stood up for herself.
It’s La Toya versus Brande and Dennis. Trump asks La Toya why she brought Brande back when she said Brande was a star. La Toya said she did not bring Omarosa back because she thought Donald bought into Omarosa’s tears. He says he did not. “She really deserved to be brought back,” said Trump. Trump said he can’t see how he could fire Brande since both La Toya and the execs thought she was a star. Trump asked La Toya if she was scared to bring back Omarosa and she said no. Arsenio thinks La Toya brought Brande in as a sacrificial lamb.
Trump said in his 13 seasons, he’s never been more shocked at a boardroom decision than tonight. La Toya said if he had asked her to change her mind even once before Omarosa headed back to the suite, she would have brought in Omarosa. Donald said he can’t have asked her to change her mind, but she should have done so herself.
Trump asked Dennis why he should not be fired. Dennis did not really answer the question but said La Toya is afraid of Omarosa. Donald says he agrees and La Toya disagrees. He said you stood up to her until it counted. “You brought in the wrong people….I would have fired Omarosa had you brought her in.”
La Toya Jackson was fired tonight. Our spoilers were right! We hear Brande say she is so upset. La Toya tells Brande and Dennis to get rid of Omarosa and Brande says they will try their best. We hear Trump say he would have fired Omarosa if she had come back. I doubt it. In the cab, La Toya says Omarosa is the most evil person she’s ever met and that she is a snake who will bit you.
You can watch a preview of tonight’s showdown between Omarosa and LaToya in the video clip below.
SPOILERS AND RUMORS SAY that La Toya Jackson will be fired tonight, meaning Team Power loses.

Omarosa is just a big, overworked mouth. She thinks way way too much of herself. She has absolutely no class, and can only be antagonistic and abrasive. Like so she thinks she is so powerful and should be respected. I have always believed that a person earns respect, and is not totally entitled because she says so. LaToya, don’t waste your breath on her, you can’t win with a big mouth that says nothing.
OMG! Omarosa stays???? LaToya, what are you thinking? Won’t watch the show any more. May watch when she finally gets fired.
I would have gotten rid of LaToya and Omarsa too two for the price of one
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