Sunday night’s episode of THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ATLANTA (March 3, 2013) was called “Peaches Don’t Grow in Hollywood.” Below is a full recap of the episode.
Since NeNe Leakes couldn’t be in Atlanta, she brought Atlanta to her. Life in Atlanta has been a little boring without Ms. Leakes around so I was happy to see her back in full force tonight. Unfortunately, even she couldn’t save what has thus far been a lackluster season for the RHOA.
When the biggest drama of the night is being asked to leave a dinner party for arriving late- there’s a problem. I’ve come to expect more from a show that used to feature fistfights, wig pulling and massive shouting matches on a weekly basis. On tonight’s episode, the ladies headed to Hollywood to get a glimpse of NeNe’s new life as a television star. She has been MIA in ATL since landing a role on the sitcom, “The New Normal.”
“Welcome to Hollywood, child,” NeNe shouted as she greeted the ladies as they arrived in La La Land. The ladies were less than enthused; they were all tired and complained when NeNe invited them to dinner at her home at 9pm. These women acted like they flew to Africa; the flight from Atlanta to LA is only 4 ½ hours. Well, 9pm came and went and the women were nowhere to be found. NeNe had hired caterers and bartenders and invited some of her LA friends to meet the ladies and they did not arrive until midnight. Needless to say, NeNe was having none of that, the b**ch was back in full force when she told the group, “Exit to the left. Show up at midnight and really think you going to use one of these forks to put down your throat, no, no, no- go eat the nail polish off of your nails.”
NeNe’s husband Greg brings out a plate of hors d’oeuvres, but they are not allowed to enter NeNe’s house and have dinner. So I guess they were just supposed to eat fruit and cheese in NeNe’s driveway. Phaedra notes “Just when I thought the krunk NeNe was dead and buried in Hollywood, I guess she has resurrected.” Didn’t Kandi write former RHOA star Kim Zolciak’s hit single “Don’t be Tardy for the Party”- she should know better.
The next day, NeNe gets a taste of her own medicine. She arranged for the women to have an improv class at the famous Groundlings Theatre. Kenya wakes up extra early and cooked breakfast for everyone. Kenya really seemed to make an effort to stay calm and not show her “Gone with the Wind fabulous”, twirling crazy side. All of the ladies eat breakfast and arrive at the theatre on time, but NeNe is nowhere to be found. Kenya is excited to be at the theatre, “I’m so proud of the work that I’ve done as an actor, I’m really excited to show off my acting skills today.” She proudly tells the improv coach that she is an actress and rattles off a bunch of films she’s been in (I’ve never seen her in any of them) and actors she has worked with; no one seems to be impressed. NeNe arrived late; she enters just as they are finishing the lesson. Kandi is not impressed, “should we just lock her out and give her a plate of cheese and send her on her way, no we would never do that.”
Next, the women visit the set of “The New Normal.” The studio tour is followed by dinner in Beverly Hills. While at dinner, talk turns to the dueling exercise videos. Phaedra tells the ladies she and her husband Apollo choreographed their entire routine and Kenya announces that she is shooting her video later that week and “Kenya Moore’s Booty Boot Camp” will be in stores in December. Next the women discuss Kenya’s ex-boyfriend, (the man she allegedly hired to date her for the show) Walter. Kenya is not happy to learn the ladies and their husbands are still spending time with him. Kandi tells the group, “He came to Porsha’s party the other day.” Kenya responds, “That’s interesting, he got an invitation and I didn’t.” Porsha teased, “It was a great party, he seemed like he enjoyed it.” With that, Kenya gets up and storms off, “Really b**ch, I’ve been trying really hard to placy nice with these women but if I don’t get out of here I’m really going to go ham on somebody.” Phaedra surmises, “What would dinner or a trip be without Kenya storming off in tears.” NeNe chases after her and coaxes her to rejoin the party. Kenya warns, “These girls wanna push me and back me up into a corner but then when I get angry everybody wants to say I’m crazy. If they don’t back off Vegas will not be pretty.”
Side note: How sad was it that silly Porsha couldn’t even manage to make a pot of coffee. I really shouldn’t be surprised, given her previous behavior, but a grown woman trying to put a packet of creamer into a coffee machine! What is it they say in the South… bless her heart.
Next Week- Vegas!