Sunday night’s episode of THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ATLANTA (March 17, 2013) was called “He’s Stalking, I’m Walking.” Below is a full recap of the Season 5, Episode 19 of RHOA:
For some reason, these ladies are more exciting off camera than on. This week was no exception. First, Kenya released a song and a music video titled “Gone With theWind Fabulous.” Watch it if you dare, but be warned it is 4 minutes of your life you will never get back. This video was a hot mess and a train wreck that was not OK on any level.
Also this week, news broke that Kandi is suing former ATL housewife Kim
Zolciak over profits from “Tardy for the Party”. These two have been battling about
the profits from the song since it was released over 3 years ago. Kandi wrote and
produced the song and Kim “sang” it. Kandi alleges that Kim never paid her and kept all of the profits from the song for herself. Guess who is representing Kandi in this lawsuit, none other than fellow housewife Phaedra Parks. Now I love Kandi but this screams publicity stunt. Kandi’s spinoff show is set to premiere on Bravo later this month and rumor has it that Phaedra just landed a deal for a “Judge Judy” like court show. The lawsuit was filed a few hours before the reunion show taping, which is sure to cause some fireworks- Kim had better super glue her wig on tight for this
Speaking of the reunion, someone is a little salty that they weren’t invited. Kenya’s
on again/off again/ never was boyfriend Walter Jackson was a little miffed about
not being asked to attend the taping so of course, he fought back using 140
characters or less. Walt went on a twitter rampage; he posted his V103 radio
interview where he revealed that his relationship with Kenya was faked for the
show and he fired off a stream of tweets aimed at Kenya and Bravo:
“Let’s make one thing clear I never got a check, I never got any cash or anything! I
did it Because I THOUGHT I was helping out a FRIEND!”
“I guess certain people have to keep FAKING it till they make it and MILK whatever
else to be seen as a trending topic.”
“It would be too easy for me to go H*A*M on certain people, especially when they
are trying to be seen and trashy! Wow some people “NO CLASS”
“Yeah I think TV meaning (Br_) is scared of me, they can’t control me and they can’t tell me what to say, So that’s y they WON’T INVITE me.”
“I don’t think they want YOU to hear the truth about a certain person now that THEY
KNOW the truth, but they will let her make up lies on air”
“Notice I’ve been real quiet for a while. But they keep on letting “you know who” lie
and jab at me on air and want me to keep quiet!! WOW”
Walter was also on twitter during last night’s episode. Cynthia’s husband Peter
stirred the pot and tweeted to Walter “this is character assignation” to which Walter
replied “thanks, but some people get mad and vindictive when you don’t want to
play no more!!” What were Peter and Walter so fired up about? Well, lets recap last
night’s episode.
It was a night of parties- first Cynthia’s husband Peter threw a men’s fitness bash.
The who’s who of Atlanta’s men were invited to attend, including Walter. The last
time we saw Walter, he and Kenya had broken up. He looked amused as she cried
and asked what was going on with their relationship. In Las Vegas Kenya finally
told the ladies that she and Walter are no longer dating and Phaedra can’t resist
teasing her about it. Kenya stormed out and told the ladies she does not want to see or discuss Walter, so imagine her surprise when he arrived at Peter’s event.
Kenya and Walter spend the night gossiping and ignoring each other. Walter tells
the househusbands (Peter, Phaedra’s husband Apollo, Porsha’s husband Kordell
and Kandi’s boyfriend Todd) that he was never intimate with Kenya because at 41,
she was too old for him and he “likes my women like my rims, 22s, 24s and 26s.”
Meanwhile, Kenya insinuates not to subtlety that she believes that Walter is gay and that is why they never had a physical relationship. Not sure who to believe on this one, but I’m leaning towards Walter.
Now on to another mystery…Porsha and Kordell’s relationship and an even bigger
mystery, what the hell is Kordell talking about?! Maybe I’ve had it wrong these past
few months and Porsha isn’t really stupid and it’s Kordell’s incomplete thoughts
and nonsensical ramblings that are making her head spin. Porsha and Kordell are
discussing having a baby. Porsha goes into the bathroom to take pregnancy test and asks her husband “how long do I pee on it?” he reads the box and tells her “quick results two minutes.” Her response, “I need to pee for two whole minutes? I can’t pee for two whole minutes” No, “you don’t pee on it for two minutes it takes two minutes for results, you sound real crazy right now.” Ok, I take it back, it’s not
Kordell’s fault, she really is an idiot.
Porsha decides to tell her husband about the Vegas trip and what the ladies said
about Kordell being too controlling. She tells him that when she did not go to the
strip club, the women “somehow spint (I think she means spun) into Kordell is
controlling.” No, they didn’t spin it into anything, when they asked Porsha why she
did not want to go to the club her exact words were “Kordell would not be ok with
that.” She tells him how she told them that she was happy that he even “let” her go
on the trip, “that’s right my husband lets me because I respect his opinion about
what I do.” Umm ok, that makes no sense but Kordell’s response is even better, “I
don’t control you, I’m in control but I’m not controlling, there’s a big difference.”
Porsha then tells the cameras “he is in control of what his vision is for our family but
he does not control my actions and what I want for the family.” I’m confused, didn’t
you just say he “lets” you go on trips now you’re saying he doesn’t control your
When discussing their future and having children, Porsha is worried that she and
her husband are not on the same page, “Kordell feels that I’m not ready for a baby
and a career and his opinion means a lot to me.” Porsha suggests that her husband could help lighten the load if she is busy working, he tells her, “I’m the man in the house all I do is give it to you and now you have to walk around with it so the question then becomes what are you going to do, you can’t say well you’re going to be able to go and do it, no it doesn’t work like that in the real world.” What the what? I have no idea what he just said, but he concludes with “You want a baby or you what your career, which one do you want?” She tearfully tells him it’s not a
choice and maybe she can hire a nanny. According to Kordell that is not an option,
“No I want you to be the mom I want you to be there and feed them and stuff.” The
discussion ends when he tells her through prayer they can make the right decisions.
Time for another party, this time it’s Kandi and Todd’s housewarming extravaganza
and guess who is on the guest list again… Walter. Since Walter and then men
bonded during the trip to Anguilla, Todd invited him to the party. Walter shows up
with a date, which he promptly spends the evening ignoring. He leaves her sitting
alone in a chair staring blankly while he goes around the party mingling.
Obviously Kenya is upset and twirls herself into a frenzy she storms out of the party
stating that Walter is stalking her (attending a party that you are invited to is not
stalking) and she doesn’t have her security detail with her. Girl, please.
Next Week: Greg asks NeNe to marry him again. Phaedra shoots her workout video.
Kandi asks Todd about signing a prenup.

I don’t understand why Walter is so upset for not being asked to the reunion show; if he is not getting paid, and he did this show as a favor to a “friend,” then he should just let it go. Overall, this was a funny episode and when I go into work at DISH, my co-workers and I always end up talking about the Real Housewives of Atlanta. I missed this episode when it first aired, because I was skiing with friends. There was a lot of traffic leaving the mountains, so while my friend drove I was able to instantly watch this show with DISH Anywhere on my iPad. With it, I have access to my favorite recorded shows from my Hooper, and I can watch them whenever I want, so everywhere I go it’s like being at home.