Last night’s episode of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (March 4, 2013) was titled, “The Real Housewives of Paris Part Deux.” Below is a full show recap of RBOH 3/4/13.
It’s been a busy week for the ladies of the 90210- both on camera and off. Lisa Vanderpump was announced as a cast member for the upcoming season of “Dancing with the Stars.” You know her dog Jiggy will be sitting in the front row. Brandi Glanville worked the red carpet for the Academy Awards and debuted her hot mess for less –oops, I mean “Brand B” clothing line. The dress really wasn’t that bad but girl- It’s the Oscars, at least cover up your boobs. I know you paid good money for them, but save that kind of cleavage for Kathy Griffin at the Schemmys (what the comedian lovingly calls the Creative Arts Emmys.)
Brandi’s book “Drinking and Tweeting” was also released, making her a NYT best selling author. Hard to believe, but you’ve got to respect the Kardashianesque hustle of Brandi for taking lemons (being dumped by your husband for a semi-washed up country singer- while filing a Lifetime movie no less) and turning it into lemonade (lots of cash.) Rumor has it Adrienne Maloof did not attend the reunion due to legal issues with her divorce- she can’t mention certain things, therefore would be unable to defend her self if attacked by the other women, especially Brandi. There have also been rumors flying about the cast for next season- Camille and Adrienne are reportedly not returning. It’s possible the entire cast could be cut except for a few of the women a ‘la the RHONY. No official comment from the network has been made about the cast for next season. Bravo’s head honcho, the great and powerful Andy Cohen did however tweet that the reunion show taping went down this weekend, and he promised it was GOOD. DVR. SET. NOW.
Now, back to the drama on screen, part deux of the ladies Parisian adventure. There was lots of shopping, jogging and sightseeing. It was fun to watch the ladies shop and suffer from sticker shock. Yolanda rolled her eyes at a $14,000 price tag for a bracelet. Kyle would flip over the tag and quickly put items back once she saw the price. Lisa’s husband Ken and Kyle’s husband Mauricio toured Paris on Segways- these two need a spin off show, NOW. They are always fun to watch and Ken is starting to look more like Jiggy every day, which is fascinating to observe.
The ladies also took a cooking class, but it was Lisa who was doing most of the stirring, unfortunately, it was trouble, not food she was serving up. Kim spent some time with Lisa and Ken during the day and was loopier than usual. Lisa told Ken she was concerned about Kim’s behavior. Later in the day, Lisa shared her concerns with Yolanda and the two wondered if Kim’s medication was the culprit. That evening when everyone was meeting for dinner, Kim was nowhere to be found. Everyone was a little worried that maybe she relapsed or a mix of her prescription pills may have put her in danger. Fear not, when Kyle and Yolanda went to check on her Kim was just sleeping- Yolanda assured us she did a quick check in the room for alcohol or pill bottles. Lisa cracks some jokes in the car about Kim sleeping all day and asks her if she took a sleeping pill and Kim freaks out. She thinks Lisa is insinuating that she has “fallen off the wagon” and that any concern she has is not genuine. Even Yolanda notes that Lisa has been pulling everyone aside to discuss Kim, except Kim.
Lisa also has yet another confrontation with Kyle. Kyle approaches Lisa about the state of their friendship, citing that Kim told her that Lisa thinks the relationship is different. For the millionth time Lisa explains to Kyle that it is different because Kyle does not stick up for her when the other women are attacking her. Kyle also tells Lisa she feels like she replaced her with Brandi and says that they are “mismatched.” Lisa assures her that is not true and that it is possible for someone to have more than one friend.
Last night, Brandi took to her Bravo blog to defend her friendship with Lisa. “Kyle and Lisa have a heart-to-heart and Kyle admits that she is jealous of Lisa’s friendship with me. Kyle says that Lisa and I are a mismatched pair. . .Hmmm wonder what she means by that? Lisa and I have the exact same sense of humor. My friends’ ages range from 22 to 65 years old. As far as social circles go, I was at P. Diddy’s White Party many times way before Kyle’s White Party and even before I knew who Kyle Richards was. I guess Kyle was referiing to our bank accounts because that is the only real mismatched thing about Lisa and I. I’m working very hard to change that.”
Lisa also discussed her friendship with Kyle on her Bravo blog. “Absolutely the friendship changed, and I have endeavored to explain it to her as best I can. Actions have consequences, and she has difficulty computing that. The ripple effect of the hurt that is caused will manifest a change in any relationship. The trust isn’t there, but I continue to challenge her, intimating that going forward, if she was ever in my corner when under pressure (which sounds ridiculous but occurs frequently in this group of women). I would appreciate it and maybe it would be a step in the right direction towards rebuilding our friendship — back to what it used to be anyway lets not hold our breath.” Hmmm…could this be some foreshadowing of some of the drama we have to look forward to at the reunion? Let’s hope so.
Next- Back in La La Land Kyle’s store opens and Yolanda and Taylor face off.

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