Ben Affleck is taking a vow of poverty. The actor has signed on to take part in the Global Poverty Project’s Live Below the Line, a campaign that challenges participants to live on a meager $1.50 a day for five days, April 29-May 3.
Affleck’s participation was announced on Below the Line’s Facebook page. The goal of the project is to raise awareness and illustrate what life is like for the 1.4 billion people around the world who live in extreme poverty.
The Oscar winner tweeted “1.4 billion people live on less than $1.50/day. “I’m joining Live #BelowTheLine on behalf of @easterncongo. Will you?”
Affleck is taking part in the challenge to promote Eastern Congo Initiative, an advocacy and grant making initiative he founded in 2010. Ben joins other celebrities such as singer Josh Groban actress Spohia Bush who are also taking part in the project this year. Groban, who also took the challenge last year, said that “taking on this challenge last year was such a humbling experience for me, and I was so proud and heartened by my fans that joined me. It’s amazing how much we take for granted not having to live in hunger, and I am honored to have been asked to help spread the word about this eye-opening campaign again this year.”
Live Below the Line is “a campaign that’s challenging the way people in the U.S. think about poverty — and making a huge difference.” Last year, more than 15,000 people participated and raised $3 million. This year, more than 20,000 people are expected to participate.
Affleck won’t have an easy task; the challenge has some pretty strict guidelines. Your total five-day food bill shouldn’t go over $7.50, and you’re not supposed to rummage through the pantry for snacks, unless you factor how much the items cost into your total. The organization also gives some tips to participants on how to stay on track on their website. “We recommend that you spend your entire budget of $7.50 at the start of the week, doing research and creating a shopping list, sticking to generic stables such as pasta, lentils, rice, bread, vegetables, potatoes and oats.”
Good Luck Ben!