Two explosions went off at the finish line of the Boston Marathon around 3PM today. Police have confirmed that there are at least two casualties and 23 people have been injured and taken to local hospitals for treatment. Celebrities flocked to twitter to express their horror over today’s events. Here is what they had to say:
Ethan Zohn @EthanZohn
I’m OK. Most importantly, praying for those injured and affected by this. Still don’t have a lot of info. Thanks for your love and concern
Joey McIntyre @joeymcintyre
There was an explosion by the finish line about 5 minutes after I finished- I’m ok but I’m sure there are many hurt.
Donnie Wahlberg @DonnieWahlberg
Just heard that @joeymcintyre is ok! Thanks to everyone for tweeting! Scared for everyone else in Boston. #PrayerForBoston please.
Danica Patrick
The Boston marathon bombing makes you rethink ordinary events. Scary stuff.
Jenna Dewan-Tatum
Oh man. Just heard the news about Boston. This is just awful. #prayforboston
Russell Simmons @UncleRUSH 1m
prayers for Boston.
Dane Cook @DaneCook
My prayers with everyone in Boston right now after this atrocious act of violence!!
Maria Menounos @mariamenounos
Praying for everyone home in boston. Devatated at the news #bostonmarathon
Kim Kardashian @KimKardashian
My heart is breaking for everyone effected or injured in the explosion at the Boston Marathon. God bless you all! My prayers are with you!
Lance Armstrong @lancearmstrong
Just off the bike and getting the news from the Boston marathon. Thoughts & prayers go out to Dave M, his staff, all runners, and volunteers
Scotty McCreery @ScottyMcCreery
Prayers going out to everyone involved at the Boston Marathon.. #shocking
P!nk @Pink
Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by the explosions in Boston.
Tom Bergeron @Tom_Bergeron
Watching coverage of Boston Marathon explosions, heart in my throat.
Matthew Morrison @Matt_Morrison
Thoughts are in Boston. #prayforboston
Wayne Brady @waynebrady
God Bless any and everyone hurt Boston
Eva Longoria @EvaLongoria
God be with the injured people! RT “@CNN: There has been at least one explosion near the Boston Marathon finish line…
Paramore @paramore
All our prayers and love to everyone affected by the explosions in Boston today. Unbelievable
Backstreet Boys @backstreetboys
We’re sending our thoughts and prayers to everyone in Boston today #PrayForBoston
Chris Evans @ChrisEvans
thoughts and prayers are with everybody in boston. heartbreaking…
Patton Oswalt @pattonoswalt
“Look for the helpers. You’ll always find people who are helping.” — Fred Rogers, on what to do when scary things are on the news #boston
Mia Farrow @MiaFarrow
Just located my daughter in Boston. Relieved she is fine but heartbroken for those who won’t get this good news #prayforboston
Sean Hannity @seanhannity
As we follow developments our hearts and prayers are with those in Boston
Arnold Schwarzenegger @Schwarzenegger
My thoughts are with Boston. Thank you to the brave first responders who always run toward our greatest fears to save lives.
Thoughts & Prayers go out to the people of Boston… Very Sad News.
Kylie Jenner @KylieJenner
Sending prayers to Boston..
Alicia Keys @aliciakeys
Shaken… My thoughts and prayers are with the city of Boston and those affected by this tragedy.
Zoe Saldana @zoesaldana
My prayers and thoughts are with the victims who lost their lives today at the Boston marathon. Que Dios los tenga en su gloria. ZS
Aviva Drescher @AvivaDrescher
My thoughts and prayers go out all in Boston.
Ellen DeGeneres @TheEllenShow
Let’s all send our thoughts, our prayers and our energy to the people injured in Boston. My heart is with you.
Kevin Jonas @kevinjonas
prayers go out to everyone in Boston. We all love you and we are praying for you
Brandi Glanville @BrandiGlanville
Thoughts going out to the people hurt in the Boston marathon victims
Wendy Williams @WendyWilliams
My thoughts and prayers are with all those people affected by the tragedy in Boston today at the marathon. #prayforboston
Lea Michele @msleamichele
Sending my thoughts and prayers to everyone in Boston right now….
Larry King @kingsthings
My thoughts are with those injured in Boston. Details are sill coming in, but we need to not jump to conclusions without all the facts