‘Survivor Caramoan’: Fans vs Favorites airs a new episode tonight April 24, 2013. Who will be going home tonight? Who was voted off?
Come back to CelebMagnet at 8 PM ET on 4/24/13 for a live blog and recap of tonight’s Survivor and to find out who gets voted off and eliminated on Survivor tonight.
Stealth R Us lost lost its leader, Philip, at the last tribal council, so, the shifts in the game are inevitable. Malcolm says by knocking off the leader stability has also been knocked off in the game.
There are lots of hungry survivors now and morale is accordingly low. Brenda is crying because she feels as if she has lost control.
Tree mail arrives and gives everyone $500 cash–you know what this means. It’s time for Survivor auction. Malcolm wins beer and nuts. Reynold goes for a hidden item and after some trading option ends up with one slice of pizza. Sherri gets the rest of the pizza. Dawn buys a roasted chicken. Malcom also gets to buy information in the game and he has 60 seconds to read it. It’s a map for another immunity idol. Andrea buys a spaghetti dinner. But when Jeff offers her a trade for a large bag of rice and beans for the whole group, she takes it. Cochran buys an advantage in the next Immunity Challenge. Brenda won pig brain. Poor girl. If anyone still has money left, they can buy letters from home for $20. Everyone except Malcolm, Sherri and Dawn get a letter. Eddie wins a huge jar of peanut butter and is given 60 seconds to share it with everyone. Cochran gets fed by Sherri and is in heaven. Everyone is covered in peanut butter.
The morale is now much better. Brenda feels awesome after reading her letter from home. Sherri decides she will join Malcolm since she can’t beat him. After all, he will probably find another immunity idol which he is looking for. Andrea knows Malcolm is looking for the idol and starts to hang out with him but Malcolm asks her to leave. When she doesn’t go away, he stops looking for the idol and sits next to Andrea to wait it our.
This is the order of people out of the challenge: Brenda is the first one out, then, Erik, Sherri, Malcolm, Andrea, Dawn and Reynold. Last two left were Cochran and Eddie. But Cochran had bought himself an advantage during the auction and ends up winning. Cochran won immunity.
Malcolm is voted off and joining the jury. Even Erik and Cohran voted for Malcolm.
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