Sunday night’s episode of THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ATLANTA (April 7, 2013) was the fire part of the reunion show. Below is a full recap of the RHOA 4/7/13 reunion:
Ladies of Atlanta ended the season on a high note with a drama filled reunion. Andy Cohen couldn’t hide his glee as the ladies traded barbs; he later tweeted “I’ve never laughed more at a reunion than I did during the taping of this one.” Andy wasn’t the only one to enjoy the show. Former Real Housewives of New York cast member, Betheny Frankel tweeted, “In heaven right now. Andy I’ve decided if I were to ever be a housewife again it would only be in Atlanta. #closetpeach.”
In one of the non Kenya centric moments of the show, Kandi explained why she filed paperwork the day of the reunion taping suing fellow ATL cast member Kim Zolciak. Kandi said, “I don’t want to keep letting someone benefit off of something that I’ve done,” she said about why she’s suing to have “Tardy for the Party” taken off the Internet for sale. Kandi claims Kim has no legal right to sell the song online, and Kim is the one who forced Kandi to take legal action — “If you want to go that route then I’m gonna have to go crazy with you.” In case you’ve forgotten, a few seasons back, Kandi helped Kim launch her so called music career by writing and producing a song for her called “Tardy for the Pary.” The two have been feuding about the single ever since. Kandi maintains that Kim never gave her any royalties from the song and Kim claims that she did pay Kandi and there was no agreement in place.
Phaedra, Kenya and her damn fan brought plenty of drama and stole the show. Each time someone made a comment she didn’t like or she had no response to, Kenya flicked open her fan and began waving it around. Poor Kandi was sitting next to her and almost lost an eye on several occasions. The fan was unnecessary since there was plenty of shade thrown Kenya’s way.
The reunion started with Kenya and Porsha rehashing their bitter, season long feud. Kenya still thinks that Porsha “disrespected” her by calling her a former Miss America rather than Miss USA (as if there is there really a difference.) Porsha maintained that it was a simple mistake and Kenya blew the entire incident out of proportion and that the real reason Kenya was mad is because she is jealous. Porsha thinks that Kenya is jealous of her because she is married, successful and younger. Kenya counters that Porsha behaves more like an unsophisticated cheerleader than the socialite she claimed to be. Kenya claims that Porsha’s “whole existence on this show has been about me.” It pains me to admit it, but Kenya actually has a point, Porsha was pretty boring without her storyline with Kenya this season.
Next, they moved on the blowout at Kenya’s party during the finale. If you recall, Prosha did not attend the party as the character Kenya assigned her, so naturally Kenya had her two large security guards escort Porsha out. Porsha tells Kenya she is “the most aggressive person I have ever met in my life.” Kenya says she should have never invited Porsha to the party.
Phaedra and Kenya dominated the most of the hour long show with the never ending drama from their booty battle. Phaedra had some of the best lines of the season, noting that “Everybody on this stage knows you’re crazy as hell” and “We have Single, White Female; we have Single, Delusional Kenya.” Phaedra maintained that her workout video was a best seller and has outsold Kenya’s. Of course Kenya says that Phaedra does not have the body to sell a workout video and that her video was outselling Phaedra’s. Phaedra tells her “In the words of Whitney Houston, ‘Show me the receipts!’ Twirl on that.” Cynthia and Kandi sat silently while NeNe and Andy laughed as the two continued to take shots and one another’s bodies and workout videos. Next, Phaedra moved on to Kenya’s showmance with Walter being faked for the cameras and asks Kenya to name some of the “multimillion dollar films” she claims to have produced to which Kenya responds, “Look me up on IMDb. Phaedra answered, “I did and all I saw was straight to DVD movies. Your next big acting role is this show.” LOL Phaedra was especially snarky tonight. Kenya also claimed that, “The most interesting thing about her is me … Phaedra wasn’t relevant the way I am on the show now.” Andy Cohen jumped to Phaedra’s defense citing that she has been a major part of the show for several seasons.
Kenya then claimed that Phaedra slandered her by calling her ‘crazy, bipolar and saying that she has a drinking problem. Phaedra tells her, “I told you, you had a drinking problem when we were in Anguilla, I always said you were a drunk.” Kenya claimed she has “never been drunk days in her life,” Phaedra shoots back, “If you act like that sober, bless your heart.”
Phaedra sat calmly and tore Kenya apart with sassy, snappy insults, while Ms. “Gone with the Wind fabulous” twirled herself into a tizzy and snapped and flicked her fan incessantly. Kenya’s dollar store fan was no match for Phaedra’s quick wit, losing the argument with words, Kenya resorts to violent threats- the show ends with Kenya telling a pregnant Phaedra, “People need to know on this stage don’t come for me unless I send for you … You will be picking up your teeth off the floor, pregnant and all.”
Kenya continued the shots at the ladies in her Bravo blog. Of Porsha, she writes “I chose not to and won’t respond to ignorance and stupidity and to someone who is merely relevant for arguing and picking childish fights with me the entire season and has no accomplishments of their own. I’ve learned that lesson and won’t fall for the banana in the tailpipe again. You get nothing but my back… no response, no acknowledgement, no comment. Since I’ve revoked my coattails for her to ride, I’m feeling a lot lighter these days.”
She also takes more shots at Phaedra posting screen grabs of amazon.com rankings for both videos- from the screen grab it looks like Kenya’s video is currently ranked higher than Phaedra’s. Kenya writes “whether you are #TeamStallion or team broke-down donkey, my fitness video sales have broken records and the video is and remains more successful than hers. The facts are the facts. I’ve outsold her and have the more successful video. She can lie about my “fake” body all she wants, no one cares or believes her. Nice try phony Phae Phae, your smear campaign didn’t work.” She closes her blog post by writing, “You can hate me, you can’t break me, I’m gone with the wind fabulous.”

Real Housewives of Atlanta makes me laugh big time! It’s a wonderful entertainment program, these women are a riot! Porsha is the only one that can’t compete ’cause she is not funny or savvy like the rest of the group.She is too silly to match with the wild group.The characters or personalities of RHOA & all their melodrama make this program a hit. I have so much fun watching it that I’m looking forward for their next program or episode.