The Wolfpack are back and earlier this week, CelebMagnet covered the red carpet for the premiere of the upcoming Hangover Part III movie. Highlight of the night was watching Bradley Cooper skip out on time on the red carpet to take a photo with every single fan lined up outside. Literally–he stopped by every single fan!
So, it’s hard to read all the slamming reviews of the movie by experts who get paid to cover flicks. In case you want to know, here is what the reviews say:
Fox News: “Following the box office smash, but ultimately unfunny ‘The Hangover Part II,’ ‘Part III’ digs an even deeper hole, creating the most juvenile, humorless and often tasteless ‘Hangover’ yet, completely losing sight of the originality that made the original a success.
The New York Post: “The good news is that The Hangover Part III isn’t a rerun like the second episode. The bad news is everything else. For all the promise of mayhem and WTF moments, the final episode hits you with all the force of a warm can of O’Doul’s.”
The New York Times: “It’s a dull, lazy walkthrough that has a claim to be the year’s worst star-driven movie.”
The Newark Star Ledger: “The first Hangover was good dirty fun; the second was dirtier, and less fun. But the third? It’s just a chore – and no hair of the dog is going to make it any easier to bear.”
Vulture.com: “It truly is surprising how barren the movie is of humor. There’s one funny exchange early on that relates to Stu’s sexual travails in the second ‘Hangover’ film; later, there are some bits involving Melissa McCarthy as a pawn-shop owner who sparks some chemistry with Alan. And that’s about it. Indeed, the film’s unfunniness may be the joke.”
The Hollywood Reporter: “Young viewers looking for unbridled raunch will be sadly disappointed, and so will other moviegoers expecting more than a few wan chuckles. This picture is like a brightly colored balloon with all the comic air seeping out.”
USA Today: “It’s more a road movie with action elements than a comedy, and the debauchery of the first two films is missing,”
Entertainment Weekly: “As a Sin City romp, it’s too tame. And as a ‘very special’ ode to Alan’s journey to responsibility, it’s a miscalculation of what fans want from a series featuring a smoking monkey,”
TIME: “The Hangover Part III gives off such a stench of creative decay that it hardly seems possible that even Phillips or his co-writers have any use for the movie themselves.”
OK, so based on these reviews, you may not be rushing out to catch the movie anytime soon, but at least enjoy these photos from the premiere reuniting Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis, Heather Graham and Jamie Chung which was fun to cover…I mean heck, even a grown up Hanson was in the house: