Racial tensions went up a notch higher last night on Big Brother after Helen became the new Head of Household. Ousted HOH Aaryn Gries who was already on the hot seat for her racial slurs picked a fight with African-American co-star Candice Stewart. And of course it was all caught on tape.
It all goes down at the 2:00 mark in the video clip below. Candice finds that her bed has been flipped over and when she voices her concerns over being disrespected, Aaryn mocked her in a stereotypical black voice: “Whatchu gon do gurrll? Where’s yo class?”
GinaMarie Zimmerman, another Big Brother house guest who is also on the hot seat for her racial slurs got in Candice’s face and asked, “You want the black to come out?”
Classy ladies.
Things would have gotten out of control had Howard Overby not come in and carried Candice away.
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Watch the fight between Candice, Aaryn and GinaMarie in the video clip below:
After Howard and Candice had a touching talk about their feelings on racism, Howard had a meltdown and wanted his space so he could control his temper. Watch Howard in the video clip below:

This is not right. CBS needs to remove Aaryn immediately. Candice and Howard did not sign up to be locked in a house with a KKK member, this is disgusting. I am about ready to stop watching. How Aaryn think she can talk to someone like that. She is a horrible human being.