Got <breast> milk? If so, Alicia Silverstone wants you!
The actress has launched a service which connects mothers who need breast milk to those earthy mothers who can provide it. Alicia’s service, Kind Mama Milk Share, is a community service to “support those mamas and babies who need a hand.”
Alicia explains, “If you have milk to share – post it! If you are in need of milk – post it! Think of all the babies we can help raise together!
“Because we are a community of beautiful souls who recognize the importance of food as health, I say we help those who need a hand during one of the most important times in their lives.”
Silverstone got the idea when a friend of hers who is a new mother could not produce enough milk for her own baby and “tried reaching out in her community for donor milk”. Alicia’s friend found it “almost impossible to figure out what kind of lifestyle choices the donors had made.”
The Daily News and ABC News both warn that experts and the FDA say breast milk donors should be screened to ensure that their milk is clean, healthy and virus-free.
Alicia is not new to voicing controversial parenting opinions. Last year, the actress caused some eyebrow raising when she was seen on video feeding her then 10-month-old son chewed food straight from her mouth to his. Like a bird.