Robert Pattinson Slams Twihards: What Do They Do All Day?


Robert Pattinson has made millions of dollars off of die-hard fans of the Twilight franchise but he is now biting the hands that have fed and will continue to feed him for the rest of his life. You got it, he has slammed Twilhards. Really, really hard!

In an interview with the German edition of Interview, the actor best known for his role as Edward Cullen went off on people obsessed with the movie. “What’s really weird about Twilight fans is that they’re not really teenagers. Most of them are older,” Pattinson says.

“‘Twilight’ has its own parallel world, its own fan culture that has been forming on the net since day one,” Pattinson continued. “And in an intense way that has never existed before.”

Pattinson concluded with, “Sometimes I ask myself what these masses of people do the whole day. They sit in front of their computers and comment on anything having even remotely to do with Twilight.”

O-U-C-H!  I hear hearts breaking all over the world. Including the heart of one ‘fat celebrity blogger’ in particular. In the same interview, Pattinson went off about the person who burdened him with the much hated nickname “R-Patt,” saying he wants to “strangle the guy who came up with it.” And who does R-Patt blame for the title? He says “some fat celebrity blogger.”

Testy testy Mr. Pattinson. Looks like you need some love in your life!


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